Case Report List
Sr. No. |
Article | Journal | Details | Abstract & Keyword | Date |
1 | Title - Dementia associated with seizure disorder Year of publication - Mar - Apr 2020 Download(6) | view(7) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicinal Sciences. Author/ Researcher - Jithesh Madhavan Affiliation - Professor and Head, |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning including thinking, remembering, reasoning and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities. These functions include memory, language skills, visual perce Keyword - Dementia, Seizure, Unmada, Apasmara, Sodhana, Rasayana. |
12-Dec-2024 |
2 | Title - Therapeutic Emesis (Vamana) - Management of Ekakustha Year of publication - 2017 Download(46) | view(52) |
Name - ijam Author/ Researcher - Saurabh Deshmukh1*, Bhagyashree Jibkate2, Ashish Zanwar3 Affiliation - 1. Asst. Prof, Kayachikitsa , MGACH & RC(H) , Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra 2. JR1 Department of Rasa shastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana, MGACH & RC(H), Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra 3. Interne, MGACH & RC(H), Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - 50 years old male with well defined, slightly raised dry erythematous macules with silvery scales and typical extensor distribution diagnosed as ekkustha (psoriasis). As shodhan chikitsa is more effective patient is treated by giving sadhya snehan and mad Keyword - Ekkushtha, Shodhan , Urdhwa M arga, Erythematous Macules, Vam ana |
28-Feb-2024 |
3 | Title - Management of gridhrasi (Sciatica) through panchakarma and shamana chikitsa: A case study Year of publication - 2022 Download(49) | view(38) |
Name - Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci 2022 Author/ Researcher - Ashwini Parchake¹, Shweta Parwe2*, Milind Nisargandha3 Affiliation - 1Intern, Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College, Hospital and Research Centre Salod (H), Wardha, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Background: Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is a disease with sciatic nerve compression due to various reasons such as heavy weight lifting, excessive strenuous work and dominance. There's severe pain in the buttock region that radiates towards the toe. Aim and Obje Keyword - Gridhrasi, Sciatica, Panchatikta ksheer basti, Simhanad guggul, Ampachak vati. |
28-Feb-2024 |
4 | Title - Effect of Gomutra Niruha Basti on Sthaulya (obesity) Year of publication - 2018 Download(44) | view(50) |
Name - National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science Author/ Researcher - Parwe Shweta D*1, Nisargandha Milind A2, Vibha R. Tadas 3, Shamali Hiware4 Affiliation - Asso. Professor, Dept of Panchakarma, MGACH &RC, Salod (H), Wardha |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to an earlier death. A variety of medical problems, including high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, sleep apnea, depression and arthritis, have been associated with being overweight. An individu Keyword - Obesity, Niruha basti, Achintya Shakti, Malashodhak, Kaphavridhhi, Medovridhhi |
26-Feb-2024 |
5 | Title - Case Report: The role of Panchagavya and Panchakarma treatment in the management of radiotherapy and chemotherapy side effects in infiltrative ductal carcinoma Year of publication - 2023 Download(84) | view(48) |
Name - F1000 Author/ Researcher - Punam Sawarkar 1, Gaurav Sawarkar 1, Nandini Bhojraj2 Affiliation - Associate Professor Chikitsa Trust Ayurvedic Medical College |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - increasing worldwide. Chemo- and radiotherapy are commonly used after the surgical intervention for radical cure. The occurrence of various side-effects of these chemo-radiation therapies creates much discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the compliance r Keyword - Breast Carcinoma, Chemotherapy, Panchagavya, Panchakarma, Radiotherapy |
26-Feb-2024 |
6 | Title - Role of Samangadi Ghrita Lehana as a Nutritional Supplement for Healthy Growth and Development of Children: A Clinical Study Year of publication - 30-January-2023 Download(70) | view(91) |
Name - Pediatrics & Health Research Author/ Researcher - Swapnil C Raskar*, Minaxshi Sharma, Rajanish Meti, Dipthi Viswaroopana Affiliation - Department of Pediatrics, Parul University, Vadodara, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Children are vulnerable to hamper their growth and development, especially in poverty and source poor setting like India. When one speaks of under-five ailments, about 34% conditions are related to growth, and therefore it is need of hour to do research o Keyword - Kashyapa samhita; Samangadi ghrita; Kaumarbhritya; Lehadhyaya |
20-Oct-2023 |
7 | Title - Science Behind Ghrita - The Lipid-Based Ayurvedic Formulations Year of publication - 2022 Download(80) | view(86) |
Name - Clinical Case Reports International Author/ Researcher - Garima Tripathi and Vidhu Aeri* Affiliation - Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Jamia Hamdard University, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghritas are Ayurvedic formulations, identified as Herbal Ghee in the modern context, meaning the concoction of clarified butter (ghrita or ghee) with aqueous decoction of herb and powdered or processed crude drugs in the lipidic ghee (clarified butter), s Keyword - (Maha Sneha)- Ghrita (clarified butter), Talia (oil), Vasa (animal fat) and Majja (bone marrow of animals) |
15-Jul-2023 |
8 | Title - A Clinical case study on Dhanyak Gokshur Ghrita Yavakshar Uttar basti in the Management of Mutraghata w.s.r. to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Year of publication - 2021 Download(73) | view(117) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 12 (2), 427-43 Author/ Researcher - Shailesh Jaiswal1*, Hemant Toshikhane2, Mukund Dhule3, Parappagoudra M4 Affiliation - Shailesh Jaiswal1*, Hemant Toshikhane2, Mukund Dhule3, Parappagoudra M4 1. Ph.D. Scholar and Associate Professor, 2. Principal, 3. HOD, Department of Shalya Tantra, 4. Ph.D. Scholar and Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma Parul Institute of Ayu |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common senile disease. The present modern conservative management includes use of alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. In operative management various type of operative procedure may be done, out of which most Keyword - Mutraghata, Vatashthila, Dhanyak Gokshur Ghrita Yavakshar, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia |
15-Jul-2023 |
9 | Title - A CLINICAL STUDY ON TAKRA BASTI IN THE MANAGEMENT OF GRAHANI W.S.R TO I.B.S Year of publication - 2017 Download(218) | view(126) |
Name - pijar Author/ Researcher - Dr.Mallikarjun 1 , Dr Channabasavanna B M 2 Dr M Srinivasulu3 Affiliation - Asst.Prof, 2 Assisociate Prof, 3Prof, Dept of Panchakarma,NKJAMC & PG Centre,Bidar,Karnataka |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Grahani roga described in classical text books of Ayurveda represents a group of disorders of digestive system caused by impairment of Agni. Grahani is such a disorder, where in its significance is emphasized by its inclusion among ashta maha gadas. The Keyword - AYURVEDA INDIAN COW PANCHAGAVYA takrabasti |
31-Oct-2022 |
10 | Title - An observational pilot study on the effect of Gomutra Haritaki, diet control and exercise in the management of Sthaulya (obesity) Year of publication - 2014 Download(114) | view(125) |
Name - AYU Journal Author/ Researcher - Ritesh A. Gujarathi, Rambabu Dwivedi1, Mahesh Kumar Vyas1 Affiliation - Department of Basic Principles, Govindbhai Jorabhai Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, New Vallabha Vidyanagar, Anand, 1Department of Basic Principles, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved Universi |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Background: India is currently witnessing rising numbers of people in the middle‑class who are obese. A lot of the Indian population has started relying on processed foods that contain a huge percentage of trans‑fat, sugars, and other unhealthy and artifi Keyword - Cow’s urine, Gomutra, Haritaki, obesity, Sthaulya, Terminalia chebula |
05-Jul-2022 |
11 | Title - Effect of Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa on Shwitra - A Case Study Year of publication - 2019 Download(103) | view(122) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Author/ Researcher - Dr. Sanjeev Bhagat,1 Dr. Tapas Brata Tripathy,2 Dr. Swati Sharma3 Affiliation - 1Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, 2Professor & HOD, 3Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Swasthavritta, Sri Dharamasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, INDIA. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Shwitra is considered in Kushta. It is not painful and trouble some. In society it is very dreadful and hating state. One percent population is suffering in world. It produces mental discomfort. A 25 year year old girl had being suffering from white patch Keyword - Shwitra, Kushta, Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa, Melanocytes |
05-Jul-2022 |
12 | Title - MANAGEMENT OF KHALITYA IN AYURVEDA- A CASE STUDY Year of publication - 2019 Download(122) | view(195) |
Name - International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences and Technology Author/ Researcher - *Dr. Nidhi Gupta, **Dr. Gopesh Mangal Affiliation - PG Scholar, **Associate Professor & Head, PG Department of Panchakarma, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur-302002, Rajasthan |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - urpose- Khalitya is mainly a Pitta dominant Tridoshaja Vyadhi. In Ayurveda Khalitya means hair fall and it closely resembles to baldness or alopecia in modern science. In present era millions of people are suffering from hair fall. Prevalence of hair fal Keyword - Khalitya, Takradhara, Nasya |
04-Apr-2022 |
13 | Title - Effect of Panchatikta Ghrita and Gandhakadi Taila in the Management of Kitibha (Psoriasis) - A Case study Year of publication - 2018 Download(140) | view(161) |
Name - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AYUSH CASE REPORTS Author/ Researcher - E.D.T. Priyanganie Gunarathna1*R.D. Hemakanthi Kulathunga1 Affiliation - Senior Lecturer,Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Country - sri lanka Email - Contact Number - 0094711552737 |
Abstract - Psoriasisis resemblance to the KitibhaKushtain Ayurvedic perspective and hasa significant impact on a patient's quality of life.Kitibhais one of the common dermatological health issuefound in Sri Lankaand the studyhas been focused to evaluate the Keyword - Gandhakadi Taila, Kustha, Kitibha.Manibhadra Churna,Panchatikta Ghrita,Psoriasis,Skindisorder. |
04-Apr-2022 |
14 | Title - Clinical study of Manjishthadi Ghrita in vrana ropana Year of publication - 2011 Download(114) | view(131) |
Name - AYU Author/ Researcher - Jyoti Baria,1 S. K. Gupta,2 and C. Bhuyan3 Affiliation - Director, CCARRTSMA, MIG-156, Anant Vihar, Phase-II, Pokhariputa, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India |
Country - INDIA Email - DRSKGUPTA17@GMAIL.COM Contact Number - 9428317639 |
Abstract - Healing of vrana (wound) is either primary or secondary by nature. Secondary healing requires more attention than primary healing. Basically, two things, shodhana (making free from undesirable healing factors) and ropana (closure of wound), are desirable Keyword - Manjishthadi ghrita, ropana, shodhana, vaikritapaham, vrana, wound healing |
04-Apr-2022 |
15 | Title - A CASE STUDY OF BURN WOUND TREATED WITH JATYADI GHRITA Year of publication - 2017 Download(111) | view(98) |
Name - International Ayurvedic Medical Journal Author/ Researcher - junita.K.Swer1 , Satish Chandravanshi2 , Shankar S3 , Shailaja S V4 Affiliation - Dept. of PG Studies in ShalyaTantra, SKAMCH & RC, Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Initial treatment of burn wound aims at preventing infection and early wound healing. Burn wound are of prime concern regarding post healing scar. Various treatment modalities are used for dressing of burn wounds keeping in mind good cosmetic outcome. Ach Keyword - Burn wound, Dagdha vrana, Jatyadi ghrita. |
04-Apr-2022 |
16 | Title - Shata – Dhauta – Ghrita – A Case Study Year of publication - 2009 Download(126) | view(130) |
Name - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Author/ Researcher - Supriya Deshpande1*, Avinash Deshpande2, Suresh Tupkari & Anoop Agnihotri Affiliation - Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR), New Delhi, 110 017; 2Dr DY Patil Pratishthan’s, Padmashree Dr DY Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pimpri, Pune 411 018, Maharashtra |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Shata-dhauta-ghrita (SDG) is an Ayurvedic preparation, commonly prescribed for treatment of wounds, burns, chicken pox, scars, herpes, leprosy and other skin diseases. It is prepared by washing clarified butterfat (cow ghee) one hundred times with water. Keyword - Cow ghee, Topical preparation, Skin hydration, Ointment base, GC/MS spectrum |
04-Apr-2022 |
17 | Title - A ROLE OF TAKRA IN THE MANEGEMANT OF ARSHAS Year of publication - 2019 Download(126) | view(177) |
Name - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Author/ Researcher - Dr. Jasmin Gohel, Dr. Jaydeep Khant Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Noble Ayurved College, Baman gam, Junagadh, Gujarat, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ayurveda, a science of life, has emphasized on proper diet and lifestyle for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases as well as curing the diseases. In present era Arshas (piles/Haemorrhoids) is a very common ano-rectal disorder cau Keyword - Arshas, takra, Curd, Anupana, functional foods |
26-Feb-2022 |
18 | Title - Clinical Study of Injection of Godugdha as a Sclerosing Agent in Internal Hemorrhoids – A Case Study Year of publication - 2021 Download(112) | view(134) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda Author/ Researcher - Gajanan S. Dhele*, Dnyaneshwar D. Chavan Affiliation - Department of Shalyatantra YMT Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, PG Institute Kharghar , Navi Mumbai, Maharastra, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - : Haemorrhoids are one of the commonest Ano-rectal diseases. Basic etiology in this condition is congenital weakness of the superior & inferior rectal veins. The common ano-rectal complaints from the patients suffer from haemorrhoidal disease include blee Keyword - Cow’s milk, Internal hemorrhoids, Sclerotherapy. |
13-Jan-2022 |
19 | Title - Clinical Study of Injection of Godugdha as a Sclerosing Agent in Internal Hemorrhoids – A Case Study Year of publication - 2021 Download(108) | view(140) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda Author/ Researcher - Gajanan S. Dhele*, Dnyaneshwar D. Chavan Affiliation - Department of Shalyatantra YMT Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, PG Institute Kharghar , Navi Mumbai, Maharastra, India. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - : Haemorrhoids are one of the commonest Ano-rectal diseases. Basic etiology in this condition is congenital weakness of the superior & inferior rectal veins. The common ano-rectal complaints from the patients suffer from haemorrhoidal disease include bl Keyword - Cow’s milk, Internal hemorrhoids, Sclerotherapy. |
18-Nov-2021 |
20 | Title - MANAGEMENT OF VITILIGO (SHVITRA) ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA: A CASE STUDY Year of publication - January - February 2019 Download(104) | view(138) |
Name - AYUSHDHARA-An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems Author/ Researcher - Dr. Rupali R. Patil Affiliation - Lecturer, Department of Kaychikitsa, Hon. Shri. Annasaheb Dange, Ayurved Medical College, Ashta, Sangli, Maharashtra, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9225633321 |
Abstract - The color of the skin is important biologically, cosmetically and socially. Vitiligo is an acquired condition where melanocytes are absent in affected area. The worldwide prevalence of Vitiligo is lesser than 1%. Though the condition is rare and non commu Keyword - Vitiligo, Shvitra, Bakuchi, Autoimmune |
27-Sep-2021 |
21 | Title - Management of COVID-19 by Ayurveda protocol - A Case Series Year of publication - 2020 Download(148) | view(172) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Author/ Researcher - Dr. Hitesh Jani1 , Dr. Darshna Pandya2 , Dr. Karishma Narwai3 Affiliation - 1Ex. Principle, Gujarat Ayurveda University, 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Roga Nidana, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurveda University, 3BAMS, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, INDIA. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - COVID-19 is an infectious disease and has become pandemic since early 2020. Researches are ongoing for vaccine of the disease. World Health Organization is working with research institutions to select traditional medicine products that can be investigate Keyword - COVID-19, Sannipataj Jwara, Ayurvedic Management, Pancha Gavya. |
08-Sep-2021 |
22 | Title - AMALAKI (Emblica Officinalis) AS ADJUVANT FOR REDUCING DOSHIC IMBALANCE INDUCED BY CURD: A CASE SERIES Year of publication - 2018 Download(114) | view(177) |
Name - Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm Author/ Researcher - Priyanka BV Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara, College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Curd is prohibited indifferent ways with various rationales. Based on the review of available literature in Ayurveda, pilot case studies have been conducted in villages around Hassan district, Karnataka to ascertain the effect of curd taken without rules Keyword - Ayurveda, Curd, Adjuvant, Night Time, Amalaki, Dhatu Samya ha Vruddhi |
07-Sep-2021 |
23 | Title - AMALAKI (Emblica Officinalis) AS ADJUVANT FOR REDUCING DOSHIC IMBALANCE INDUCED BY CURD: A CASE SERIES Year of publication - 2018 Download(138) | view(135) |
Name - Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm Author/ Researcher - Priyanka BV Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara, College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Curd is prohibited indifferent ways with various rationales. Based on the review of available literature in Ayurveda, pilot case studies have been conducted in villages around Hassan district, Karnataka to ascertain the effect of curd taken without rules Keyword - Ayurveda, Curd, Adjuvant, Night Time, Amalaki, Dhatu Samya ha Vruddhi |
07-Sep-2021 |
24 | Title - AMALAKI (Emblica Officinalis) AS ADJUVANT FOR REDUCING DOSHIC IMBALANCE INDUCED BY CURD: A CASE SERIES Year of publication - 2018 Download(126) | view(145) |
Name - Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm Author/ Researcher - Priyanka BV Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara, College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Curd is prohibited indifferent ways with various rationales. Based on the review of available literature in Ayurveda, pilot case studies have been conducted in villages around Hassan district, Karnataka to ascertain the effect of curd taken without rules Keyword - Ayurveda, Curd, Adjuvant, Night Time, Amalaki, Dhatu Samya ha Vruddhi |
07-Sep-2021 |
25 | Title - Antifungal Efficacy of Panchagavya Year of publication - 2011 Download(133) | view(137) |
Name - International Journal of PharmTech Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 Vol.3, No.1, pp 585-588, Jan-Mar 2011 Author/ Researcher - Baby Joseph** and Sankarganesh P Affiliation - Interdisciplinary Research Unit (IRU), Department of Biotechnology, Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri – 629 153, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, Ind |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - : Panchagavya is an incredible source for growth promoting substances. All previous research studies were determined its role in medicinal and agricultural field. The current study evaluated its use in microbiological medium. 10µl, 100µl, 500µl and 1000µl Keyword - Panchagavya, growth promotion, antifungal effect, microbiology medium |
29-May-2021 |
26 | Title - The effect of Panchagavya formulations in the case of CA Rectum Year of publication - 2018 Download(128) | view(144) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 11 (3), 572-574 Author/ Researcher - Nandini Bhojraj1, Gaurav Sawarkar Affiliation - Associate Professor, Dept. of Rachana Sharir, Mahatma Gandhi Ayuved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The faulty lifestyle, polluted environment, increasing use of pesticides, addictions leads to trigger the health issues; the cancer is one of them. Due to disease, one lac people are dying yearly; out of the 10% of the population diseased with colon and r Keyword - Cancer, Gomutra, Panchagavya, Anti-oxidant |
28-May-2021 |
27 | Title - Effect of panchagavya on quality, nutrient content and nutrient uptake of organic blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] Year of publication - 2017 Download(143) | view(151) |
Name - Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017) Author/ Researcher - Gopal Lal Choudhary, SK Sharma, Sanju Choudhary, Kendra Pal Singh, MK Kaushik and BR Bazaya Affiliation - Gopal Lal Choudhary Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India SK Sharma Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Sanju Choudhary Department of Agronomy, S |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Vol. 6, Issue 5 (2017) Keyword - Organic Blackgram, Yield, Quality, Nutrient uptake, Zinc, Iron |
28-May-2021 |
28 | Title - Chemotherapeutic potential of cow urine: A review Year of publication - 2015 Download(123) | view(158) |
Name - J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. Author/ Researcher - Gurpreet Kaur Randhawa1 and Rajiv Sharma2 Affiliation - ............ |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In the grim scenario where presently about 70% of pathogenic bacteria are resistant to at least one of the drugs for the treatment, cue is to be taken from traditional/indigenous medicine to tackle it urgently. The Indian traditional knowledge emanates fr Keyword - Antibiotic, antifungal, antineoplastic, bioenhancer, Bos indicus, immune-enhancer |
16-Apr-2021 |
Name - Int J Trans Res Ind Med 2019 Author/ Researcher - S. Arul Jothi *1, K.Dhivyalakshmi 2, N.Anbu 3, D.Sivaraman Affiliation - *1&2 P.G Scholar, Department of Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106, Tamil Nadu, India. 3 Head, Department of Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai - 600 106, Tamil Nadu, India. 4 Scien |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lungs characterized by increased infiltration of leukocytes, especially eosinophils, into the airways, and reduced respiratory function. The inflammation leads to bronchoconstriction, increased airway hyper-respons Keyword - Siddha preparation, Thoothula pazha chooranam, Asthma therapy, Milk-induced leukocytosis, Bronchodilation, Eosinophils |
07-Apr-2021 |
30 | Title - Panchagavya combination against Spodoptera litura © 579 Evaluation of aqueous botanical extracts with panchagavya combination against tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. Year of publication - 2020 Download(127) | view(131) |
Name - ongoing Author/ Researcher - Sathya, S., Pazhanisamy, M. and Archunan, K. Affiliation - ................... |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Spodoptera litura (Fab.) is a commonly encountered and economically important insect pest of Black Gram. Black Gram producers typically use botanicals as mixture with panchagavya to mitigate S. litura population. The compatibility and efficacy of commonly Keyword - In vitro study, Botanical extracts, Panchagavya, S. litura, Percent mortality |
07-Apr-2021 |
31 | Title - TITLE: PANCHAGAVYA AND PANCHAGAVYA GHRITA: A CONCEPTUAL STUDY Year of publication - 2020 Download(167) | view(199) |
Name - ongoing Author/ Researcher - Ashutosh Pandey1, Madhuri S. Pawar2 Affiliation - 1. Ph. D Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,, Cell:- +918600759488 2. Co-author:- Associate Professor, Departmen |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In present work literature related to five cow products and Panchagavya ghrita [PGG] formulations have been compiled from various sources of literature. Ayurvedic classics quoted preparation method of PGG by using five cow products [Cow ghee, Cow milk, Co Keyword - Panchagavya Ghrita (PGG), Panchagavya (five Cow products). |
07-Apr-2021 |
Name - PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Author/ Researcher - Dr Manoja Abhijit joshi Affiliation - Assistant Prof,Department of Ayurveda,Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Food is a very basic requirement of every cell.Each living cell needs food or energy for day to day activities and for survival. Ayurveda as a science of life ,have a definite focused approach on food for healthy life. A complete balanced food can make li Keyword - Curd,Alpha Amylase Inhibition ,rules of eating curds. |
06-Apr-2021 |
Name - international journals of pharmaceutical science and research Author/ Researcher - Arun Athavale, Nikhil Jirankalgikar, Pankaj Nariya and Subrata De* Affiliation - RMD Research and Development Center, Waghaldhara, Dist-Valsad- 396 375, Gujarat, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya, a classical Ayurvedic preparation, was evaluated for its antioxidant potential by HPTLC-DPPH bioautography method as well as assays for Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), DPPH – free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and Superoxide ra Keyword - Mumbai), Key words: Panchagavya, Antioxidant, HPTLC-Bioautography, FRAP, DPPH, Superoxide |
06-Apr-2021 |
34 | Title - Panchagavya and Vrikka Rog Year of publication - 2008 Download(1587) | view(206) |
Name - Ayurved Patrika Author/ Researcher - 1 Dr Sumeeta Jain Affiliation - Government Ayurved College Nagpur |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8668684733 |
Abstract - It is a case series on chronic Kidney Disease. Documented reports of CKD patients were presented the paper. The work has been carried out Kamdhenu Panchagavya Ayurved chikitsa kendra ,Badkas ,Chouk ,Nagpur Keyword - Chronic kidney Disease, cow Urine, Panchagavya |
27-Feb-2021 |
35 | Title - Management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OSD) Through Ayurveda Year of publication - 2018 Download(180) | view(1071) |
Name - Journal of Indian System of Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow Author/ Researcher - Gaurav Sawarkar, Punam Sawarkar1 Affiliation - Associate professor ,Departments of Rachana Sharir and 1Panchkarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8956977899 |
Abstract - Introduction: Aim Material and method Observation and result Conclusion: Keywords: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a co-morbid condition of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression. It is characterized by obsessions of contamination, fo Keyword - Obsessive compulsive disorder, Anxiety disorders, , , , Manas Vikara Atattvabhinevesh Unmada Panchakarama Vamana Shamana Sattvavajaya Chikitsa Panchkarma Vamana Madanphala Shirodhara Nasya Omkar . Atattvabhinevesh Shodhana Shamana SatvavajayaChikitsa |
11-Feb-2021 |
36 | Title - Management of Siraj Granthi (varicose vein) through Ayurveda Year of publication - 2018 Download(173) | view(474) |
Name - International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) Author/ Researcher - Punam Sawarkar,Gaurav Sawarkar, Affiliation - Associate professor ,Departments of Rachana Sharir and 1Panchkarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9860667023 |
Abstract - Introduction: Varicose veins is becoming a day to day problem particularly in middle aged and elderly people claiming considerable portion of national economy because of longtime hospital stay of the patient or high costs of treatments, medical or surgica Keyword - Varicose vein, Siraj Granthi, Panchkarma, Virechana, Shamana Chikitsa |
11-Feb-2021 |
37 | Title - Ayurvedic management of Gridhasi (Sciatica) Year of publication - 2017 Download(180) | view(195) |
Name - Journal of Indian System of Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow Author/ Researcher - Punam Sawarkar,Gaurav Sawarkar, Affiliation - Associate professor ,Departments of Rachana Sharir and 1Panchkarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9860667023 |
Abstract - The most common disorder which affects the movement particularly in the most productive period of life is low back pain, out of which 40% of patients suffers from severe pain which comes under the umbrella of Sciatica-syndrome. With the advancement of bus Keyword - Gridhasi Shodhana Chikitsa ,Shamana chikitsa,ErandmooladiVasti, Quality of life. |
11-Feb-2021 |
38 | Title - Case Study of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head Year of publication - 2016 Download(159) | view(290) |
Name - Joinsysmed Author/ Researcher - Gaurav Sawarkar, Punam Sawarkar Affiliation - Associate professor ,Departments of Rachana Sharir and 1Panchkarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8956977899 |
Abstract - Avascular necrosis is a disease in which cellular death of bone component occurs due to interruption of the blood supply. Necrosis causes due to arterial occlusion and lack or insufficient blood supply, the bone tissue dies and there occurs collapsing of Keyword - Avascular necrosis, Palliative treatment, Panchakarma |
11-Feb-2021 |
39 | Title - Role of Ayurveda in the management of Apasmara: A case study Year of publication - 2019 Download(161) | view(198) |
Name - Journal of Indian System of Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow Author/ Researcher - Gaurav Sawarkar, Punam Sawarkar1 Affiliation - Associate professor ,Departments of Rachana Sharir and 1Panchkarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8956977899 |
Abstract - Apasmara (epilepsy) is defined by Acharya Charaka as Apagama (deterioration) of Smriti (retention) associated with Bibhatsa Chesta (seizers) due to derangement of Dhi and Sattva. The vitiate Dosha related to the condition are Vata and Rajo Dosha. The main Keyword - Apasmara, epilepsy, meditation, Panchakarma, Yoga |
11-Feb-2021 |
40 | Title - Effect of GomutraHaritaki as a Fat Metabolizer in Sthaulyaw.s.r to Obesity- A Case Report” Year of publication - Jan 2018 Vol 7, Download(165) | view(171) |
Name - World Journal of Pharmaceutical research WJPR ISSN 2277-7105 Author/ Researcher - 1. Sonal Wankhede 2. Sumeeta Jain Affiliation - Government Ayurved College Nagpur |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8668684733 |
Abstract - ABSTRACT Objective: Sthaulya (obesity) can be defined as abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to the enlargement of fat cell size (hypertrophic) or fat cell number (hyperplastic) in human body. The distribution of fat in obese individuals in uneve Keyword - Sthaulya(Obesity), Gomutra haritaki, Fat metabolism. |
27-Jan-2021 |
41 | Title - Effect of GomutraHaritaki as a Fat Metabolizer in Sthaulyaw.s.r to Obesity- A Case Report” Year of publication - Jan 2018 Vol 7, Download(153) | view(204) |
Name - World Journal of Pharmaceutical research WJPR ISSN 2277-7105 Author/ Researcher - 1. Sonal Wankhede 2. Sumeeta Jain Affiliation - Government Ayurved College Nagpur |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8668684733 |
Abstract - ABSTRACT Objective: Sthaulya (obesity) can be defined as abnormal growth of the adipose tissue due to the enlargement of fat cell size (hypertrophic) or fat cell number (hyperplastic) in human body. The distribution of fat in obese individuals in uneve Keyword - Sthaulya(Obesity), Gomutra haritaki, Fat metabolism. |
27-Jan-2021 |
42 | Title - Shata- dhauta- ghrita – A case study Year of publication - 2009 Download(162) | view(298) |
Name - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 8 (3), July 2009, pp. 387-391 Author/ Researcher - Supriya Deshpande1*, Avinash Deshpande2, Suresh Tupkari & Anoop Agnihotri2 Affiliation - Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR), New Delhi, 110 017; 2Dr DY Patil Pratishthan’s, Padmashree Dr DY Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pimpri, Pune 411 018, Maharashtra E-mail: supriyadeshpande149@yahoo |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - Shata–dhauta–ghrita (SDG) is an Ayurvedic preparation, commonly prescribed for treatment of wounds, burns, chicken pox, scars, herpes, leprosy and other skin diseases. It is prepared by washing clarified butterfat (cow ghee) one hundred times with water. Keyword - Cow ghee, Topical preparation, Skin hydration, Ointment base, GC/MS spectrum |
25-Jan-2021 |