Review List
Sr. No. |
Article | Journal | Details | Abstract & Keyword | Date |
1 | Title - Clinical study on management of stanyakshaya by Pippali Choorna with Sukhoshna Godugdha. Year of publication - July 2020 Download(50) | view(52) |
Name - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Author/ Researcher - 1Dr. Deepak Tanaji Shinde Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - In this changing world, old values ancient tradition and outdated concepts crumbling fast under the impact of fast life style which attracts human being and leads to disturbed swastha. That mean supports sharir (body), Mann (mind) and prann is dhatu. Stha Keyword - Sthanya kshaya, Pippali, Shatavari |
02-Aug-2024 |
Name - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Author/ Researcher - Dr. Amit S. Mane. Dr. P. P. Dindore Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - Introduction: Pandu and Kamala are said to be the diseases which are inter-related. Pandu is said to be nidanarthakara for Kamala. Pandu roga is characterized by alparakta, alpamedaska, nissaara awastha which can be co-related to the paleness of the body. Keyword - Pandu, Kamala, Panchagavyaghritha, Mahatiktakaghrita, Kalyanakaghrita, Snehapana. |
02-Aug-2024 |
3 | Title - A CLASSICAL REVIEW ON DADHI SEVANA NIYAMA Year of publication - 24 Dec. 2020 Download(34) | view(25) |
Name - WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Author/ Researcher - Anjali Sanjeev1* and Gopikrishna S.2 Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - Dadhi is a transformed form of milk, considered as „Mangalya’ and thick in consistency in comparison to Ksheera. The milk of a fattened cow or buffalo is boiled, cooled and placed in a new vessel containing butter milk. Curd that is formed as a result is Keyword - Dadhi, Niyama, Curd. |
02-Aug-2024 |
4 | Title - Approach towards understanding Pros and Cons of Dadhisevan - A Review Year of publication - 06/02/2022 Download(42) | view(48) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicinal Sciences. Author/ Researcher - Shradha Venkatrao Joshi1, Shital O. Chavan2 Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - Ayurveda explains helpful dietary practices as well as good life style practices that should be incorporated in life for healthy living. Ayurveda had explained Ahara Varga including Dadhi Varga for explaining Dadhi equivalent to yoghurt or curd according Keyword - Curd, Dadhi, Dahi, Ksheervikruti |
02-Aug-2024 |
5 | Title - Comparative study on efficacy of Kavala Dharana with Godugdha and Goghrita in management of Mukhapaka Year of publication - 23/09/2023 Download(40) | view(28) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicinal Sciences. Author/ Researcher - Manjula Patil1, K.B. Nagur2 Affiliation - HOD |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - Mukhapaka is affected to particular age, socioeconomic status, improper food habits and life style. Here control over Pittadosha is the very first step. There is a need to find out a simple, cost effective, economical, reliable and most suitable therapy b Keyword - Dinacharya, Kavala, Mukhapaka, Godugdha, Goghrita |
02-Aug-2024 |
6 | Title - Critical review on various types of Dadhi with reference to its method of preparation Year of publication - 12-2-2021 Download(64) | view(58) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicinal Sciences. Author/ Researcher - Dr. Gaurishankar Urkude1, Dr. Rita R. Nistane2, Dr. Vijay G. Patrikar3 Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - Ayurved is the science for the preventive, promotive and curative aspects in health system. Dadhi is said as Dugdha Vikruti means milk product. Dadhi is one of the oldest Indian fermented milk products and may be considered the western equivalent to yoghu Keyword - Dadhi, Yoghurt, Mandakdadhi, Jatdadhi, Grahi. |
02-Aug-2024 |
7 | Title - Medicinal properties of various types of milk: An Ayurvedic review Year of publication - 25-10-2019 Download(71) | view(62) |
Name - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Author/ Researcher - Dr. Umakant N Rabb Affiliation - Assistant Professor |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7028377573 |
Abstract - The milk is produced by the mammary glands of the mammals. This milk contains antibodies which helps in prevention of the many diseases. The properties of milk of various animals are described in various classical Ayurvedic texts. Milk is considered as a Keyword - Ayurveda, Dugdha, Godugdha, Mahisha Dugdha, Usthra Dugdha etc |
02-Aug-2024 |
8 | Title - Efficacy of Suvarnaprashan in Preterm infants- A Comparative Pilot study Year of publication - 2019 Download(35) | view(32) |
Name - Journal of Indian System of Medicine Author/ Researcher - Renu Rathi, Bharat Rathi Affiliation - Professor, Department of Koumarabhritya, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital and Research Centre, Salod (H), Wardha (MH), India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Suvarnaprashan Medhya Suvarnaprashan Suvarnaprash Pushyanakshatra Suvarnaprashan Suvarnaprashan Sanskaras Sutra Sthan Lehadhyay Bhasma Suvarnaprash Rasayana' is thick syrup prepared with gold ash, honey, ghee and (brain stimulant) herbs which promote stre Keyword - Development, growth, Immunity, preterm, Suvarnaprash. |
28-Feb-2024 |
9 | Title - Multidimensional Use of Cow Urine (Gomutra), One of the Ingredients of Panchagavya Year of publication - 2022 Download(48) | view(32) |
Name - IJAM Author/ Researcher - Twinkle Joshi1*, Vaishali Kuchewar2, Aman Chhabra1 Affiliation - 1. PG Scholar, 2. Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College, Hospital and Research Center, Salod (H), DMIMSU (DU), Wardha,442001, Maharashtra, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra is one of the constituents of “Panchgavya”. The use of “Panchgavya” dates back to 2nd and 3rdcenturies. Gomutra is a key component of Panchgavya chikitsa. Its importance and usage has been noted in several Ayurvedic literatures for the treatment o Keyword - Gomutra, Panchgavya, Cow urine. |
28-Feb-2024 |
10 | Title - Effectiveness of GoghritaandShuktyadilepa in the Management of Padadari(Crack heels) Year of publication - 2020 Download(40) | view(26) |
Name - Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu Author/ Researcher - Dr. Ashish ChhaganlalZanwar1, Dr Sadhana MisarWajpeyi2, Abhinav Raut3, Gauri Chaudhary4 Affiliation - PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa ,Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College, Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H ), Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha. India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Padadari (crack heels) is a disease, occurs due to vitiation of VataDosha. It manifests with symptoms like dari (fissures/cracks on the foot), Saruja (Pain) and Rukshata(dryness). InGadanigrahavarious Lepas aredescribed for the management of Padadari in t Keyword - Padadari, Crack heels, Kshudraroga, Shuktyadilepa, Goghrita |
28-Feb-2024 |
11 | Title - A Comparative Efficacy Study of the Panchtikta Ghrita Matra Vasti and Panchtikta Ghrita Marsha Nasya in Cervical Spondylosis Year of publication - 2020 Download(31) | view(33) |
Name - IJAM Author/ Researcher - Punam Sawarkar1, Manish Deshmukh2, Gaurav Sawarkar3*, Nandini Bhojraj4 Affiliation - Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Introduction- Cervical Spondylosis is now becoming a significant threat to the working population due to its progressive nature of the disease. Modern science provides various types of medical and surgical therapies for Cervical Spondylosis but it is real Keyword - Panchatikta ghrit, Matra basti, Nasya, Cervical spondylosis. |
28-Feb-2024 |
12 | Title - Multidimensional Use of Cow Urine (Gomutra), One of the Ingredients of Panchagavya – A Narrative Review Year of publication - 2022 Download(54) | view(28) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine Author/ Researcher - Twinkle Joshi1*, Vaishali Kuchewar2, Aman Chhabra1 Affiliation - PG Scholar, 2. Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College, Hospital and Research Center, Salod (H), DMIMSU (DU), Wardha,442001, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra is one of the constituents of “Panchgavya”. The use of “Panchgavya” dates back to 2nd and 3rdcenturies. Gomutra is a key component of Panchgavya chikitsa. Its importance and usage has been noted in several Ayurvedic literatures for the treatment o Keyword - Gomutra, Panchgavya, Cow urine. |
26-Feb-2024 |
13 | Title - AYURVEDA AND MODERN VIEW ON PRATISHYAYA W.S.R. TO PREVENTIVE AND THERAPEUTIC MEASURES Year of publication - 2022 Download(35) | view(27) |
Name - International Journal of AYUSH; Author/ Researcher - Dr Amol Sheshrao Patil1, Dr Dattatraya B. Chavan2, Dr Vijaykumar Gawai3 Affiliation - 1Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Kaumarbhritya, Government Ayurvedic College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Pratishyaya is one of the common Nasagata roga which is related to the upper respiratory tract and mainly affects growing children. Hyper sensitization of upper respiratory tract mainly produces major symptoms of diseases. The condition as per modern scie Keyword - Ayurveda, Pratishyaya, Allergic rhinitis, Nasya, Children |
26-Feb-2024 |
14 | Title - UNDERSTANDING OF PRATISHYAYA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RHINITIS Year of publication - 2016 Download(37) | view(28) |
Name - AYUSHDHARA Author/ Researcher - Khatavakar Mamata Yallappa1*, V. R. Hiremath2 Affiliation - *12nd Year P. G. Scholar |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Pratishyaya is most common problem amongst Nasagata vikara in most of the condition there may incompatible food articles, allergic history or Seasonal or sometimes it may because of Deviated Nasal Septum or Nasal polyp. Problem with such patients approach Keyword - Partishyaya, Rhinitis, Vatadosha, Pittadosha, Kaphadosha, Nidana, Cause, Chikitsa, Pathya. |
26-Feb-2024 |
15 | Title - Physico - Chemical Analysis of Purana Ghrita (Old Clarified Butter) with special reference to Fatty Acid Profile Year of publication - 2018 Download(36) | view(31) |
Name - Joinsysmed Author/ Researcher - Bharat Rathi*, Dhirajsingh Rajput1, Anita Wanjari2, Mujahid Khan3, Renu Rathi4 Affiliation - Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, MGACHRC, Salod (H), Wardha (MH) |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - In Ayurveda, fats and oils have been utilized for numerous therapeutic purposes. Among fats, cow ghee is mentioned to be utilized in fresh and old forms. Old ghee is specifically indicated in epilepsy and mania. These indications represent high lipid solu Keyword - Fresh ghee, Old ghee, Fatty acid profile therapeutic use use of old ghee. |
26-Feb-2024 |
16 | Title - ICURD: A SEDATIVE WITH A BONUS BOWL OF USEFUL SIDE EFFECTS Year of publication - 2014 Download(72) | view(87) |
Name - IRJP Author/ Researcher - Parle Milind* and Malik Jyoti Affiliation - Pharmacology Division, Dept. Pharm. Sciences, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - A daily bowl of fresh curd/yogurt helps in preventing numerous diseases. Curd/yoghurt may be viewed as a natural healing food supplement. It has a perfect balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. It is like a benediction from our a Keyword - : Curd, Probiotics, Lactobacillus, Insomnia, AIDS, Diabetes |
05-Jan-2024 |
17 | Title - Update on Cowpathy: Cow Urine as an Immunomodulator Year of publication - 2022 Download(68) | view(87) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Author/ Researcher - Vaishali K. Ghume*, Dr. Smita D. More Affiliation - Department of Pharmaceutics, PES Modern College of Pharmacy (For Ladies), Moshi affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Cow urine has many beneficial properties particularly in the area of agriculture and therapeutics. Indigenous cattle or zebu cattle is considered as sacred in Indian literature because it’s products like urine, dung, milk, curd and butter has many wonderf Keyword - Cowpathy, Immunomodulator, Bioenhancer, Traditional Medicine, Cow Urine Therapy |
20-Oct-2023 |
18 | Title - Critical analysis of Goghrita (cow ghee) and its action on Rasa Dhatu Year of publication - 2022 Download(98) | view(75) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Author/ Researcher - Varuni SJ1, Kalpana Sathe2 Affiliation - 1Ph.D. Scholar, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune. Maharashtra, India. 2Professor, Department of Kriya Shareera, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Ahara (food) plays an important role in our daily life. Food provides various health benefits. Ghee is one such Snigdha Ahara Dravya which is considered to be an integral part of the human diet in India since ages. Amount of consumption of ghee varies acc Keyword - Ahara, Agni, Ahara Rasa, Goghrita, Rasa Dhatu, Sneha |
20-Oct-2023 |
19 | Title - DIVERSIFIED USES OF COW URINE Year of publication - 2014 Download(66) | view(87) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Author/ Researcher - IPSITA MOHANTY1*, MANAS RANJAN SENAPATI2, DEEPIKA JENA2 AND SANTWANA PALAI1 Affiliation - Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Orissa |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Cow is equated to mother in the Indian tradition and her urine panacea of all diseases. Cow urine is a divine medicine and is used for treatment of diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS Keyword - Cow urine, panchagawya, traditional medicine, Cow Urine Therapy. |
20-Oct-2023 |
20 | Title - Immunomodulatory properties of indigenous cow urine Year of publication - 2018 Download(60) | view(86) |
Name - MOJ Immunology Author/ Researcher - R S Chauhan Affiliation - Department of Veterinary Pathology, GBPUAT Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Cow urine has many beneficial properties particularly in the area of agriculture and therapeutics. It has also been observed in scientific research that the urine of Indian cows is highly effective as compare to the urine of other species. It is a good bi Keyword - badri cow, immunomodulatory, mitogen, blastogenesis, chromosomal aberrations, lymphocytes, interleukin, avian lymphocytes, mitomycin-c, antioxidant, leucocytes |
20-Oct-2023 |
21 | Title - BENEFITS OF COW URINE – A REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(70) | view(84) |
Name - International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Author/ Researcher - *1Sahu Rekha, 2Lalchand, 3Gupta Rakshapal and 4Rout OmPrakash Affiliation - 1M.D. Scholar, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - The Cow urine has been used from ancient times for curing many ailments of human beings. It is important and essential part of Panchgavya Chikitsa. Difffernt Ayurvedic literature have mentioned its importance and uses for treatment of, Kushtha, Kandu, Uda Keyword - Panchgavyachikitsa, Ayurveda, Cow urine. Immunomodulation, Anticancer Property |
20-Oct-2023 |
22 | Title - Science Behind Ghrita - The Lipid-Based Ayurvedic Formulations Year of publication - 2022 Download(69) | view(79) |
Name - Clinical Case Reports International Author/ Researcher - Garima Tripathi and Vidhu Aeri* Affiliation - Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Jamia Hamdard University, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Ghritas are Ayurvedic formulations, identified as Herbal Ghee in the modern context, meaning the concoction of clarified butter (ghrita or ghee) with aqueous decoction of herb and powdered or processed crude drugs in the lipidic ghee (clarified butter), s Keyword - GOGHRIT, AYURVEDA |
20-Oct-2023 |
23 | Title - THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF VACHADI GHRITA (A MEDICATED GHEE) ON CNS AND OTHER AILMENTS - A REVIEW Year of publication - 2016 Download(63) | view(95) |
Name - Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine Author/ Researcher - ASHUTOSH PANDEY Affiliation - PhD Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India- 221005 |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Vachadi Ghrita (VG) is a medicated ghee (a clarified butter) ayurvedic formulation, recommended to improve cognition. VG has these ingredients as follows-Goghrita (Cow ghee), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shankhapushpi (Convolvul Keyword - Vachadi Ghrita, Medicated ghee, Goghrita, Nootropic, Antidepressant, Antioxident |
20-Oct-2023 |
24 | Title - GO GHRITA- COW’S GHEE – AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH Year of publication - 2019 Download(71) | view(96) |
Name - WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Author/ Researcher - Singh M.*, Gaitonde H.**, Vaidya Anagha Chandan*** and Vaidya Rohit Mehta**** Affiliation - Associate Professor Chikitsa Trust Ayurvedic Medical College |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Ghee known as Ghritam, havish, sarpish and ajya, was used in ancient India as early as 1500 B.C. Rigveda, the oldest collection of Hindu hymns, contains numerous references on ghee, showing its importance in Indian diet. The health benefits from ghee can Keyword - GOGHRIT AYURVEDA |
20-Oct-2023 |
25 | Title - GO GHRITA- COW’S GHEE – AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH Year of publication - 2019 Download(99) | view(90) |
Name - WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Author/ Researcher - Singh M.*, Gaitonde H.**, Vaidya Anagha Chandan*** and Vaidya Rohit Mehta**** Affiliation - BAMS MD – Associate Professor Chikitsa Trust Ayurvedic Medical College* BAMS, MD, MBA Biotech, Professor Beehive Ayurvedic Medical College** BAMS- Ayurveda Physcian*** BAMS, MD, MBA- SMO Panchakarma, Kayakalp Hospital, Palampur**** |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghee known as Ghritam, havish, sarpish and ajya, was used in ancient India as early as 1500 B.C. Rigveda, the oldest collection of Hindu hymns, contains numerous references on ghee, showing its importance in Indian diet. The health benefits from ghee can Keyword - Ghritam, havish, sarpish and ajya, |
15-Jul-2023 |
26 | Title - THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF VACHADI GHRITA (A MEDICATED GHEE) ON CNS AND OTHER AILMENTS - A REVIEW Year of publication - 2016 Download(73) | view(85) |
Name - Author/ Researcher - ASHUTOSH PANDEY Affiliation - PhD Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India- 221005 |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Vachadi Ghrita (VG) is a medicated ghee (a clarified butter) ayurvedic formulation, recommended to improve cognition. VG has these ingredients as follows-Goghrita (Cow ghee), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shankhapushpi (Convolv Keyword - Vachadi Ghrita, Medicated ghee, Goghrita, Nootropic, Antidepressant, Antioxident |
15-Jul-2023 |
27 | Title - Role of Samangadi Ghrita Lehana as a Nutritional Supplement for Healthy Growth and Development of Children: A Clinical Study Year of publication - 2023 Download(79) | view(90) |
Name - Pediatrics & Health Research Author/ Researcher - Swapnil C Raskar*, Minaxshi Sharma, Rajanish Meti, Dipthi Viswaroopana Affiliation - Department of Pediatrics, Parul University, Vadodara, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Children are vulnerable to hamper their growth and development, especially in poverty and source poor setting like India. When one speaks of under-five ailments, about 34% conditions are related to growth, and therefore it is need of hour to do research o Keyword - Kashyapa samhita; Samangadi ghrita; Kaumarbhritya; Lehadhyaya |
15-Jul-2023 |
28 | Title - BENEFITS OF COW URINE – A REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(74) | view(91) |
Name - International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Author/ Researcher - 1Sahu Rekha, 2Lalchand, 3Gupta Rakshapal and 4Rout OmPrakash Affiliation - M.D. Scholar, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 2M.D. Scholar, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 3Professor & HOD, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The Cow urine has been used from ancient times for curing many ailments of human beings. It is important and essential part of Panchgavya Chikitsa. Difffernt Ayurvedic literature have mentioned its importance and uses for treatmen Keyword - Panchgavyachikitsa, Ayurveda, Cow urine. Immunomodulation, Anticancer Property |
15-Jul-2023 |
29 | Title - Rational of Medicinal Ghrita on Treatment of CNS Disorders Year of publication - 2022 Download(104) | view(77) |
Name - Sys Rev Pharm 2022; 13(2): 79-82 A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy Author/ Researcher - DK Satapathy*, Gurudutta Pattnaik, S Tripathy Affiliation - Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - ABSTRACT Ghrita is a clarified butter mostly used in formulations mentioned in different ayurvedic texts for its effectiveness in treatment of different dosha. It acts as excellent base in which different herbs can be incorporated for treatment of various Keyword - Keywords: Ghrita, Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders, Nootrophic, Blood brain barriers * |
15-Jul-2023 |
30 | Title - Significance of Go ghrita in Lifestyle and Psychological Disorders Year of publication - 2015 Download(71) | view(89) |
Name - Research gate Author/ Researcher - Sud Sushant1*, Kateriya Girish2 Affiliation - Sud Sushant1*, Kateriya Girish2 *1Dept. of Agad Tantra Evum Vyavahar Ayurved, International Centre for Ayurvedic Studies, Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India 2Shri Gulabkunverba A |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghrita is used since ancient times including the vedic kala. Ghrita is described in Ayurveda as Sapta dhatu vardhak, Ojo vardhak and is suggested to take in day to day life. A brief glance at the qualities of go-ghrita shows that it has been de Keyword - Go ghrita, Lifestyle, Psychological health |
15-Jul-2023 |
31 | Title - Bio-Enhancing Properties of Cow Urine – A Review Year of publication - 2016 Download(77) | view(84) |
Name - International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Author/ Researcher - Farida P. Minocheherhomji Affiliation - Farida P. Minocheherhomji Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, B. P. Baria Science Institute, Navsari, Gujarat, India. |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Antibodies and other chemotherapeutic agents are widely used as conservative treatment in various microbial infections and diseases. Majority of the infections in human beings and animals are caused by bacteria and fungi, especially the spore formers, whi Keyword - Antibodies, Bacteria, Cow Urine, Fungi, Panchgavya. |
15-Jul-2023 |
32 | Title - Go mutra (Cow urine) and its uses: An overview Year of publication - 2019 Download(75) | view(83) |
Name - Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Author/ Researcher - Meena M, Patel P, Saini S, Gurjar T, Gogoi R and Meena OP Affiliation - Meena M Assistant Professor, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Patel P Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Saini S Teaching Associate, Veterinary Anatomy, PGIVER Jaipur, Ra |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra (Cow urine) is an important part of Indian tradition. From the ancient period cow’s urine has been used as a medicine. Cow (Bos indicus) urine/Gomutra has been elaborately explained in Ayurveda and described in “Sushruta Samhita”, “Ashtanga Sangra Keyword - Bioenhancer, cow urine, cow urine distillate, Gomutra, panchgavya |
15-Jul-2023 |
33 | Title - RELEVANCE OF TAKRA AS PROBIOTICS Year of publication - 2016 Download(106) | view(129) |
Name - IAMJ Author/ Researcher - Soumya.J1 Bindu.V2 Rahul.K.R3 Jyothilal.K4 Affiliation - PG Scholar, 4Professor & Head, Department of Swasthavritta, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kollam, Kerala, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Probiotics are bacteria that line digestive tract and support our body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Takra is a natural probiotic diet because the friendly bacteria for the intestines and the body are found in abundance in it. The bal Keyword - AYURVEDA INDIAN COW PANCHAGAVYA TAKRA |
31-Oct-2022 |
34 | Title - A REVIEW ON PANCHAGAVYA: AN AMRITA FOR LIVING BEING Year of publication - 2019 Download(178) | view(119) |
Name - IJRAP Author/ Researcher - Suman Purohit 1 *, Khemchand Sharma 2 Affiliation - Professor and Head, Department of Rashtra Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya is a concoction prepared by mixing cow urine, dung, milk, curd, ghee. It can be considered as amrita for good health of human beings. Cow milk possesses sweet taste, promotes immunity and has Rasayana, Ojo Vardhaka properties. Curd as functio Keyword - PANCHAGAVYA MILK COWDUNG GHEE |
31-Oct-2022 |
35 | Title - Go ghrita and dadhi: Cow ghee and curd This article explores the health-promoting benefi ts of ghee, curd and buttermilk particularly from a cow ofnative Indian breed. Year of publication - 2022 Download(92) | view(144) |
Name - Go ghrita and dadhi: Cow ghee and curd – Anaadi Foundation Blog Author/ Researcher - Anaadi Foundation Blog Affiliation - Anaadi Foundation Blog |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - According to Ashtanga Hrudayam, one of the primary texts of Ayurveda, cow ghee is considered the best among all fats. Inthe Indian tradition, ghee is considered to be highly purifying and is used in yajnas and spiritual rituals. It is prepared byboiling m Keyword - Dadhi |
18-Oct-2022 |
36 | Title - Comparative evaluation of efficacy of Gomaya Mashi Udvartana with Petiswedana and Rodhradi Gana Udvartana with Petiswedana in the management of Sthoulya (Obesity): A study protocol Year of publication - 2022 Download(99) | view(139) |
Name - Article in International Journal of Health Sciences · Author/ Researcher - Shubham Verma,Punam Sawarkar,Gaurav Sawarkar,Shweta Parwe Affiliation - Shubham Verma P.G. Scholar, Department of Panchakarma,Punam Sawarkar Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma,Gaurav Sawarkar Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir,Shweta Parwe Professor, Department of Panchakarma |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Obesity is a metabolic condition associated with the abnormal accumulation of fat in the body, resulting in multiple adverse effects on health. Generally, it occurs due to an imbalance between the intake of calories and its utilization in the body. Patien Keyword - Sthoulya, Udvartana, Obesity, Rodhradi Gana, Gomaya Mashi, Petiswedana. |
18-Oct-2022 |
37 | Title - Go mutra (Cow urine) and its uses: An overview Year of publication - 2019 Download(89) | view(143) |
Name - JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY STUDIES Author/ Researcher - Meena M, Patel P, Saini S, Gurjar T, Gogoi Rand Meena OP Affiliation - Meena M Assistant Professor, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Patel P Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Saini S Teaching Associate, Veterinary Anatomy, PGIVER Jaipur, Rajasthan |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 9511724890 |
Abstract - Gomutra (Cow urine) is an important part of Indian tradition. From the ancient period cow’s urine has been used as a medicine. Cow (Bos indicus) urine/Gomutra has been elaborately explained in Ayurveda and described in “Sushruta Samhita”, “Ashtanga Sangra Keyword - Bioenhancer, cow urine, cow urine distillate, Gomutra, panchgavya |
18-Oct-2022 |
38 | Title - GOMUTRA (COW URINE): A MULTIDIMENSIONAL DRUG REVIEW ARTICLE Year of publication - 2017 Download(116) | view(126) |
Name - International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy · October 2017 Author/ Researcher - Gulhane Harshad 1, Nakanekar Amit 2*, Mahakal Nilesh 3, Bhople Sunanda 4, Salunke Amrut 5 Affiliation - 1Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, MUPs Ayurved College & Hospital, Risod, Dist-Washim, Maharashtra, India 2Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Nagpur, |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Gomutra is important part of Indian tradition. It is not only holy but also has various important medicinal uses. Classical treatises in Ayurved i.e. Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata Samhita has described Ashta mutra (eight types of urine) along with their Keyword - Gomutra, cow urine, Panchagavya, Immunomodulator |
05-Jul-2022 |
39 | Title - GO-MUTRA : BOON TO HUMAN BEINGS Year of publication - 2016 Download(113) | view(126) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Author/ Researcher - Garud Sandeep1*, Chaudhary Anubha1, Kotecha Mita2 Affiliation - *1P.G. Scholar, 2Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna Vigyan, National Institute of Ayurved, Jaipur, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Cow is considered as mother in Indian tradition. Go-mutra (cow urine) is one of the ingredient of Panchgawya, extensively used in Ayurved for treatment of many diseases. Go-mutra (cow urine) is used in treatment since time immemorial as cited in Atharvave Keyword - Panchgawya, Go-mutra, Brahbambu, Divine medicine |
05-Jul-2022 |
40 | Title - COMPILATION ON THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF COW’S URINE (GOMUTRA) Year of publication - 2019 Download(97) | view(155) |
Name - Pramana Research Journal Author/ Researcher - Sadhana Singh Affiliation - Senior Resident & Phd Scholar in Dept. of Dravyaguna, I.M.S, B.H.U, Varanasi, U.P. India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - The Ayurvedic texts have defined the therapeutic effects of certain animal products e.g. honey, milk, pitta, vasa, majja, blood, meat, stool, urine, semen, bones, muscles, horn, nails, hair and gorochana. Amongst these animal products Mutra (Urine) is an Keyword - Gomutra, Panchagavya, Ayurveda |
05-Jul-2022 |
41 | Title - Indian Cow Urine as a Therapeutic Alternative in Treatment of Human Diseases: A Review Year of publication - 2022 Download(118) | view(185) |
Name - AYUHOM Author/ Researcher - Aallani Meghana, Ummadistty Obulapathi, Sanjiv Singh Affiliation - Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Export Promotion Industrial Park, Hajipur, Bihar, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Oxidative stress plays a vital role in implicating various pathological conditions in the development of various human diseases. Cow urine therapy has strong scientific evidence for its various therapeutic actions on cancer, oxidative stress, diabetes, dy Keyword - Antioxidant, cow urine, oxidative stress, therapeutic alternative, |
05-Jul-2022 |
42 | Title - Versatile Uses of Indian Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2018 Download(104) | view(120) |
Name - European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Author/ Researcher - Amit Manohar Belekar1*, Prashant Sanjeevrao Salian1, Abhijeet P. Shirguppe1 and Sachin Vasantrao Patil2 Affiliation - 1KDCA‟s Institute of Pharmacy, Ujalaiwadi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, 416112. 2Shree Santkrupa College of Pharmacy, Ghogaon, Tal: Karad, Dist.: Satara, Maharashtra, India, 415111. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Indian cow, Bos indicusis a most valuable animal in indian culture. Sushruta samhita and astanga sangraha states Keyword - Indian cow, cow urine, Panchgavya. |
05-Jul-2022 |
43 | Title - ROLE OF GAUMUTRA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF OBESITY W.S.R TO STHAULYA: A REVIEW STUDY Year of publication - 2019 Download(95) | view(99) |
Name - International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies Author/ Researcher - 1. Dr. Suresh Kumar Jat, 2. Dr. Shikha Sharma, 3. Rashi Tripathi Affiliation - 1Associate Professor, Dept. of Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vijnana, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s, University, Jaipur, 2Associate Professor, Dept. of Samhita & Siddant, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur, 3BAMS 4thyr, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s Universi |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Obesity is a common and preventable disease of clinical and public health importance. It is often a major risk factor for the development of several non-communicable diseases, significant disability and premature death. In Ayurveda, Sthaulya is described Keyword - Medodhatu, Obesity, Sthaulyata, Gaumutra. |
05-Jul-2022 |
44 | Title - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2020 Download(81) | view(107) |
Name - Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2020 Author/ Researcher - Sonali P. Mahajan*, Sarin A. Chavan, Sushilkumar A. Shinde, Mahesh B. Narkhede Affiliation - Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur – 443101 Dist. Buldhana (MS), India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Go-mutra therapy provides an especially rich and provocative research topic. The ancient scriptures of ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Cow urine is one of the five contents of Panchagavya which obtain from cow (urine, milk, ghee, cur Keyword - Gomutra, Panchgavya, CUC, Vermicompost, Immunostimulant. |
05-Jul-2022 |
45 | Title - Pharmacotherapeutics of gomutra (Cow urine) Year of publication - 2019 Download(104) | view(121) |
Name - The Pharma Innovation Journal 2019 Author/ Researcher - Satyapal Singh Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa,S.A.M.C. & H., Chunar, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9405471304 |
Abstract - Cow is recognized as sacred animal and occupies a unique place in the Indian tradition. Cow urine is recognized as water of life or Amrita. Cow urine is being used internally as well as externally since thousands of years for spiritual & ritual purposes a Keyword - Go-mutra, cow urine, Panchagavya, ayurveda, Indian cow |
05-Jul-2022 |
46 | Title - Go mutra (Cow urine) and its uses: An overview Year of publication - 2019 Download(100) | view(124) |
Name - Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Author/ Researcher - Meena M, Patel P, Saini S, Gurjar T, Gogoi R and Meena OP Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra (Cow urine) is an important part of Indian tradition. From the ancient period cow’s urine has been used as a medicine. Cow (Bos indicus) urine/Gomutra has been elaborately explained in Ayurveda and described in “Sushruta Samhita”, “Ashtanga Sang Keyword - Bioenhancer, cow urine, cow urine distillate, Gomutra, panchgavya |
04-Jul-2022 |
47 | Title - Examination of Ghrita on Various Types of Chronic Diseases in Pediatrics Year of publication - 2018 Download(103) | view(125) |
Name - Pediatrics & Health Research Author/ Researcher - Sanjay P Gumble1 , Milind Daulatrao Nimbalkar2 , Vihar R Bidwai3* and Arun Rangrao Deshmukh4 Affiliation - 1Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant, Ayurved College Pusad, Maharashtra, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghrita is nothing but Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal cow ghee form. This have the ayurvedic base in the form of oil as base. It is prepared by various method by adding various herbs with water. It is not only used in Panchakarma but also used as medicine i Keyword - : Bronchial asthma; Chronic disease; Respiratory tract; Lungs; Virechana |
31-May-2022 |
48 | Title - Efficacy of Panchagavya on seed invigoration of biofuel crops Year of publication - 2013 Download(94) | view(127) |
Name - Scientific research and essays Author/ Researcher - P. Srimathi1 , N. Mariappan2 *, L. Sundaramoorthy2 and M. Paramathma Affiliation - 1Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003, India 2 Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi – 642 103, India. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Studies on organic seed fortification with Jatropha curcas and Pongamia pinnata using ‘Panchagavya ’at one, two, three, four and five per cent concentrations with the three different soaking durations revealed that Panchagavya at 2 and 5% with the soakin Keyword - Organic fortification, biofuel species, seed germination, seedling vigour |
31-May-2022 |
49 | Title - A Critical Review on Panchagavya – A Boon Plant Growth Year of publication - 2011 Download(190) | view(317) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives Author/ Researcher - Tharmaraj. K*1 , Ganesh. P2 , Suresh Kumar. R2 , Anandan. A1 and Kolanjinathan. K Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya, a Vedic formulation for increased productivity, disease resistance in plants and potential of utilizing Panchagavya as biofertilizer was tested on various pulses Vigna radiate, Vigna mungo, Arachis hypogea, Cyanopsis tetragonoloba. Lablab p Keyword - Panchagavya, Effective Microorganisms (EMO) and Day after sowing (DAS) |
31-May-2022 |
50 | Title - A study of Ghrita Kalpana w.s.r. To Vagbhata Samhita Year of publication - 2017 Download(101) | view(115) |
Name - Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Author/ Researcher - Dr. Khushabu Singh. Vd. Anjali P. Hingane Affiliation - (Asso. Prof. Samhita Siddhanta Dept.) C.S.M.S.S. Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Rugnalaya, Kanchanwadi, Aurangabad. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghrita is most widely used for medicinal purpose. Its time of administration (kala), rout of administration, dose to be given (matra) and anupana should be taken into consideration while using ghrita for medicinal purpose. Ghrita used for medicinal purp Keyword - ghrita, vagbhat samhita, matra, kalpana, kala, anupana. |
31-May-2022 |
51 | Title - International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR) Year of publication - 2017 Download(94) | view(112) |
Name - A review on Gomutra: Benefaction to human beings for healing by nature. Author/ Researcher - Dr.Sandeep Ruplal Jadhao Affiliation - M.S., Associate Professor, Dept. of Streerog-Prasutitantra, Vidarbha Ayurveda College, Amravati. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra (Sanskrit: gomūtra;."cow urine") refers to the usage of cow urine for therapeutic purposes in traditional Indian medicine also used as an important component of the mixture called Panchagavya. Ayurveda has also emphasized the importance of Gomut Keyword - Gomutra, Gulma, Kushta, Panchagavya etc |
31-May-2022 |
52 | Title - THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF TAKRA (BUTTERMILK) FOR HUMAN HEALTH Year of publication - 2016 Download(94) | view(125) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Author/ Researcher - Chaudhary Anubha, Jaiswal Mohanlal Affiliation - Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan, National Institute of Ayurved, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In Ayurveda it is considered that the basis of both the health and the diseases is Ahara (food). Ahara is considered as Prana (basis of life). Acharya Kashyap had clearly stated that Ahara is the best medicine. Takra (buttermilk) is one of the Aharadrav Keyword - Ahara, Takr, Anupan, Pathya, Amrit. |
20-May-2022 |
53 | Title - Growth and development of blackgram (Vigna mungo) under foliar application of Panchagavya as organic source of nutrient Year of publication - 2011 Download(136) | view(154) |
Name - Current Botony Author/ Researcher - R. Suresh Kumar, P. Ganesh, K. Tharmaraj and P.Saranraj Affiliation - Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram – 608002 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The present study was aimed to improve the growth and development of Blackgram (Vigna mungo) under foliar application of panchagavya as organic nutrient. A pot culture experiment was conducted at the Experimental farm during March-May 2010 season to ev Keyword - Organic farming, Panchagavya, NPK and Blackgram |
14-May-2022 |
54 | Title - Panchgavya: A Boon in Liquid Fertilizer for Organic Farming Year of publication - 2019 Download(98) | view(141) |
Name - AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e- Newsletter Author/ Researcher - Sunil Kumar1 , Pandurang Kale2 &Pratibha Thombare3 Affiliation - 1 Subject Matter Specialist (Agricultural Extension), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kolhapur-II, Maharashtra |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Organic farming is based on the system-oriented approach and the use of organicliquid product like Panchagavya resulted in higher growth, yield and quality ofcrops and hence there had been an increasing interest in the use of liquidformulations. The liq Keyword - ayurveda panchagavya |
14-May-2022 |
55 | Title - ABYANTARA TAKRA PRAYOGA IN DIFFERENT AILMENTS – AYURVEDIC VIEW: CONCEPTUAL STUDY Year of publication - 2018 Download(84) | view(107) |
Name - International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research Author/ Researcher - M.Mukthamba , 2M .J. Prashasth , 3A Byresh Affiliation - PG Scholar, Dept., of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. 2 MD (AYU) lecturer, Dept.,of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. 3 MD (AYU) Professor, Dept.,of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Takra is considered to be Amrutha for human beings. Different kinds of Takra kalpanas are mentioned by Various Acharyas. Takra is very useful in digestive problems and it is considered to be best medicine in diseases of Vatakaphaja origin. Takra is benef Keyword - Amrutha, Abhyantara Takra Prayoga, Takra, Takra Kalpanas, Vata Kaphaja Vyadhis, Grahani, Udara, Arsha. INTRODUCTION: Takra is havi |
14-May-2022 |
56 | Title - TAKRA: AN ALONE WAY TO TREAT GRAHANI-A LITERARY REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(94) | view(901) |
Name - INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Author/ Researcher - Triveni Raina1 , Dalip Sharma2 Affiliation - PG Scholar, 2Reader & HOD, P.G. Dept. of Rog Nidan, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Ayurvedic College, Paprola-176115, Himachal Pradesh, In |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In the era of sedentary lifestyle, an irregular eating pattern i.e. intake of meals at different intervals of time, avoiding important meals and/or frequently indulging in fat rich fast food or junk meals are very much affecting the human health, among th Keyword - Grahani, Annavaha srotas, Ama Dosha, Takra |
04-May-2022 |
57 | Title - Review on Gomutra (Cow Urine) Year of publication - 2020 Download(91) | view(121) |
Name - Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Author/ Researcher - Mr. Paresh A Patil, Mr. Vitthal. V. Bhosale, Ms. Varsha. P. Girase Affiliation - Department of Pharmacognosy, Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy, Dhule Road, Dondaicha 425408. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Today we know various types of of diseases affect the humaNootropicn and for that we use various types of chemical based medicines. These medicines gives us relief from respective diseases but sometime large proportion of this chemical in the body give us Keyword - Gomutra Vermicompost Biopesticides Antidiabetic effect Nootropic Anorexia. |
31-Mar-2022 |
58 | Title - The use of cow dung and urine to cure COVID‐19 in India: A public health concern Year of publication - 2021 Download(96) | view(875) |
Name - Int J Health Plann Mgmt Author/ Researcher - Md. Rabiul Islam Affiliation - Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - India is the second‐largest country by population in the world that has more than 1.3 billion people. About 80% of the total Indian population believes in Hinduism.1 Cow are not considered gods according to the religious books of Hindus. But the cow was a Keyword - COVID cure, COVID‐19 pandemic, cow dung, cow urine, public health |
31-Mar-2022 |
59 | Title - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2020 Download(107) | view(155) |
Name - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Author/ Researcher - Sonali P. Mahajan Affiliation - Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Go-mutra therapy provides an especially rich and provocative research topic. The ancient scriptures of ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Keyword - COWURINE |
27-Jan-2022 |
60 | Title - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2020 Download(106) | view(150) |
Name - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Author/ Researcher - Sonali P. Mahajan Affiliation - Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Go-mutra therapy provides an especially rich and provocative research topic. The ancient scriptures of ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Keyword - COWURINE |
27-Jan-2022 |
61 | Title - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2020 Download(108) | view(115) |
Name - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Author/ Researcher - Sonali P. Mahajan Affiliation - Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Go-mutra therapy provides an especially rich and provocative research topic. The ancient scriptures of ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Keyword - COWURINE |
27-Jan-2022 |
62 | Title - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Year of publication - 2020 Download(89) | view(162) |
Name - Miraculous Benefits of Cow Urine: A Review Author/ Researcher - Sonali P. Mahajan Affiliation - Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Go-mutra therapy provides an especially rich and provocative research topic. The ancient scriptures of ayurveda consider cow urine to be the elixir of life. Keyword - COWURINE |
27-Jan-2022 |
63 | Title - Cow Milk and Human Health-A Review Year of publication - 2014 Download(107) | view(121) |
Name - Cow Milk and Human Health-A Review Author/ Researcher - Sanjiv Kumar Affiliation - Department of Pathology, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The milk of every species of mammal is unique and specifically tailored to the requirements of that animal. Keyword - COWMILK |
27-Jan-2022 |
64 | Title - Therapeutic and nutritional values of takra (buttermilk) Year of publication - 2013 Download(96) | view(127) |
Name - Therapeutic and nutritional values of takra (buttermilk) Author/ Researcher - Gajanan R Parlikar Affiliation - Zilla Parishad,Osmanabad |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Takra (Buttermilk) is a dietary product and is being used by Ayurveda from centuries. Takra is a product obtained by curd (fermented product of milk). In Keyword - BUTTERMILK |
27-Jan-2022 |
65 | Title - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Year of publication - 2018 Download(113) | view(129) |
Name - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Author/ Researcher - Satya NARAYAN Naik , Anil kumar Affiliation - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghee is a type of clarified butter fat that has been Keyword - COW GHEE |
27-Jan-2022 |
66 | Title - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Year of publication - 2018 Download(110) | view(136) |
Name - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Author/ Researcher - Satya NARAYAN Naik , Anil kumar Affiliation - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghee is a type of clarified butter fat that has been Keyword - COW GHEE |
27-Jan-2022 |
67 | Title - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Year of publication - 2018 Download(117) | view(139) |
Name - Ghee : Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits Author/ Researcher - Satya NARAYAN Naik , Anil kumar Affiliation - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ghee is a type of clarified butter fat that has been Keyword - COW GHEE |
27-Jan-2022 |
68 | Title - REVIEW ARTICLE BENEFITS OF COW URINE – A REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(120) | view(124) |
Name - IJRAMR Author/ Researcher - Sahu Rekha, Lalchand, Gupta Rakshapal and Rout OmPrakas Affiliation - M.D. Scholar, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The Cow urine has been used from ancient times for curing many ailments of human beings. It is important and essential part of Panchgavya Chikitsa. Difffernt Ayurvedic literature have mentioned its importance and uses for treatment of, Kushtha, Kandu, Uda Keyword - cow urine |
27-Jan-2022 |
69 | Title - New Perspectives of Ksheerabala Taila (oil): A Critical Review. Year of publication - 2019 Download(117) | view(1746) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine Author/ Researcher - Jatinder Verma 1 , Gopesh Mangal 1 1 Affiliation - Department of Panchakarma, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India. |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ksheerabala Taila is an important Sneha Kalpana (oil formulation) mentioned in Ayurveda texts prepared from Go-Ksheera (cow milk), Bala (Sida cordifolia) and Tila Taila (sesame oil). Cow's milk contains all the elements necessary for the growth and nutrit Keyword - Ksheerbala taila, side cordifolia |
18-Nov-2021 |
70 | Title - Ksheera Paka Kalpana - A unique dosages form for special group of patients Year of publication - 2020 Download(93) | view(122) |
Name - IJAM Author/ Researcher - *Ranjita Vaghamshi, **Mundeep Jaiswal, ***P.K. Prajapati * Affiliation - Lecturer, Dept of R.S. & B.K, Sheth J.P. Govt. Ayurved College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Ksheerapaka Kalpana a liquid dosage form plays an important role in Ayurvedic therapeutics, due to its nutritive and curative values. It is found both in Brihatrayi and Laghutrayi, but specially the method of preparation and ratio of the ingredient are el Keyword - Ayurvedic formulations, Ksheera paka, milk. |
18-Nov-2021 |
71 | Title - CRITICAL REVIEW ON GODUGDHA (COW MILK) HEALTH BENEFITS AND HAZARDS Year of publication - 2020 Download(93) | view(114) |
Name - IAMJ Author/ Researcher - Manisha M. Thakare1 , Deepak K. Dobade2 1 Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Swasthawritta Department, D. Y. Patil Ayurved College, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India 2Assistant Professor, Rachana Sharir Department, Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Milk is touted as complete food. Cow milk is said to be one of the most commonly consumed amongst the many kinds available. Human beings are the only species that drink the milk of another species, specially cow’s milk. Besides humans no species drinks Keyword - godugdha, rasayana |
18-Nov-2021 |
72 | Title - PANCHGAVYA (COWPATHY): AN OVERVIEW Year of publication - 2005 Download(165) | view(184) |
Name - International Journal of Cow Science, Author/ Researcher - K DHAMA1, RAJESH RATHORE2, RS CHAUHAN2 AND SIMMI TOMAR Affiliation - Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchgavya is a term used to describe five major substances, obtained from cow, which include cow’s urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung. All the five products possess medicinal properties against many disorders and are used for the medicinal purpose singly o Keyword - Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar |
08-Sep-2021 |
73 | Title - THERAPEUTIC POTENTIALS OF COW DERIVED PRODUCTS- A REVIEW Year of publication - 2016 Download(172) | view(189) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Author/ Researcher - R. Kaushik * , J. Jain and P. Rai Affiliation - Department of Pharmacy, Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, Plot No. 3, Knowledge Park-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Kamdhenu or Indian cow (Bos indicus) is worshipped as sacred animal by Hindus. The reason for worshipping is the tremendous therapeutic values of cow derived products like cow milk, cow milk curd, cow butter (ghee), cow urine, cow dung and a combinatio Keyword - cow derived , samhitas |
08-Sep-2021 |
74 | Title - DIVERSIFIED USES OF COW URINE Year of publication - 2014 Download(160) | view(182) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Author/ Researcher - IPSITA MOHANTY1*, MANAS RANJAN SENAPATI2 Affiliation - Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - ABSTRACT Cow is equated to mother in the Indian tradition and her urine panacea of all diseases. Cow urine is a divine medicine and is used for treatment of diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, ca Keyword - Cow urine, panchagawya, traditional medicine, Cow Urine Therapy. |
08-Sep-2021 |
75 | Title - CONCEPT OF PATHYA AND APATHYA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CURD - A REVIEW Year of publication - 2021 Download(147) | view(422) |
Name - INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Author/ Researcher - Priyanka B.V. 1 , Abhijith Joshi2 , Manjunatha Adiga Affiliation - Associate Professor, Department of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta, SKAMCH & RC, Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The activities and the various food substances that are conducive to the Srotas (channels of the body) and mind are regarded as Pathya and those that are not conducive are regarded as Apathya. Pathya is also considered as synonymous to Chikitsa (treatment Keyword - Dadhi, Curd, Ayurveda, Pathya, Apathya. |
07-Sep-2021 |
76 | Title - Review of Curd, Paneer and Cheese as Nitya Asevaniya Ahara Dravya w.s.r. to Dadhi, Kilat and Kurchika Year of publication - 2017 Download(146) | view(178) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Author/ Researcher - saylee Deshmukh Affiliation - Ph.D. Scholar, 2Professor & HOD, Dept. of Basic Principles, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Curd, Paneer and Cheese are rich source of milk protein, calcium, Vitamin A, Phosphorous, vitamins, minerals and protein which are required by the body in high proportions for healthy growth and development. It is common food in India. Cheese is also a ri Keyword - Paneer, Cheese, Curd, Nitya Asevaniya, Ahara |
07-Sep-2021 |
77 | Title - Traditional And Modern Scientific Approaches For The Uses Of ‘Takra’ In Different Diseases: A Review. Year of publication - 2018 Download(142) | view(173) |
Name - Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Author/ Researcher - Yadav Yadevendra1*, Kumar Vipin2, Sharma Usha3, Sharma Khem Chand3 Affiliation - 1Deptt of Ayurveda and Unani Services Uttarakhand Dehradun (UK) 2Deptt of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar (UK) 1Deptt of Rasa-Shastra and Bhasajaya Kalpana, Rishikul State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Haridwar (UK) |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Dadhi and Takra are very common food items of Indians and are used as liquid food items from Vedic period. In Ayurveda; their types, qualities, uses, contraindications are mentioned. It is very important ‘Anupana’ of many Ayurvedic formulations. Also, it Keyword - Takra, fermented milk, gut microbiota, probiotics & intestinal disorders |
07-Sep-2021 |
78 | Title - A CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING OF NUTRACEUTICAL ASPECTS OF CURD IN AYURVEDA Year of publication - 2014 Download(235) | view(166) |
Name - J Res Educ Indian Med Author/ Researcher - PRIYANKA B.V.1 AND MALLIKA KURAT JAYAVARMA2 Affiliation - Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan - 573201 Karnataka (India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Abstract: Background: Curd is a popular milk product prepared indigenously in most household and is widely available commercially. It has high nutraceutical values and finds a very prominent position in Indian culture, food habits and religious ethos. Cur Keyword - Ayurveda, Curd, Nutraceutical value of curd |
07-Sep-2021 |
79 | Title - Preparation of curd in the presence of easily available prebiotic sources and study of their effect on physiochemical, sensory and microbiological properties of the curd Year of publication - 2012 Download(130) | view(171) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research · November 2012 Author/ Researcher - Shivam Rai*, Shreya Mehrotra, Deepanshu Dhingra, Mukul Prasad, Suneetha V Affiliation - School of Biosciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India. |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Dahi or curd is one of the most important fermented milk products in India and have highly beneficial effects on human health. Probiotics are live friendly microorganisms in the gut microflora and Prebiotics are non-digestible oligosaccharides. They have Keyword - Curd, Microflora, Organoleptic, Oligosaccharides, Prebiotics, Probiotics |
07-Sep-2021 |
80 | Title - VIRUDDHA AHARA– THE UNIQUE CONCEPT OF AYURVEDA Year of publication - 2017 Download(154) | view(186) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Author/ Researcher - Smita Vinod Zambare Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Swasthvritta, Shri Dhanvantari Ayurved College, Mathura, (UP), India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Intake of food is one of the most essential activities for growth of the body and maintaining good health. Ancient Ayurveda texts explain a very unique concept of diet plans in the chapter known as Ahara vidhi – vidhan. Contradictory food is the sub-topi Keyword - Ayurveda, Contradictory diet, incompatible, Viruddha ahara. |
07-Sep-2021 |
81 | Title - VIRUDDHA AHARA– THE UNIQUE CONCEPT OF AYURVEDA Year of publication - 2017 Download(144) | view(181) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Author/ Researcher - Smita Vinod Zambare Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Swasthvritta, Shri Dhanvantari Ayurved College, Mathura, (UP), India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Intake of food is one of the most essential activities for growth of the body and maintaining good health. Ancient Ayurveda texts explain a very unique concept of diet plans in the chapter known as Ahara vidhi – vidhan. Contradictory food is the sub-topi Keyword - Ayurveda, Contradictory diet, incompatible, Viruddha ahara. |
07-Sep-2021 |
Name - International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14375-14378, November, 2016 Author/ Researcher - Priya G* and Venkatalakshmi Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam- 612001 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Fresh water aquaculture in India is mainly based on Indian major carps (Labeo rohita, Catla catla, mrigala) with an annual production of 1.66 million tons. And exotic carps, which together contribute to over 87% of total aquaculture production of 1.93 mil Keyword - Cow urine, Indian major carp, Growth parameters, Labeo rohita, Gi |
31-May-2021 |
Name - Innovare Journal of Life Sciences, Vol 4, Issue 3, 2016, 9-13 Author/ Researcher - SATTANATHAN G, VENKATALAKSHMI S* Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Centre for Animal Studies, Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam - 612 001. Tamil Nadu |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Objective: The study evaluated the effect of cow urine distillate (CUD) of different breeds on the growth performance and food utilization of Indian major carp Labeo rohita fingerlings. Methods: Fishes were exposure with different CUD in the medium at 0.1 Keyword - Aquaculture, Bos indicus, Cow urine distillate, Indian cow breeds, Labeo rohita. |
31-May-2021 |
84 | Title - Efficacy of different breeds of cow urine distillate on growth and food utilization Of Indian Major Carp, Labeo Rohita (Hamilton) Fingerlings Year of publication - 2015 Download(130) | view(198) |
Name - International Daily Journal for Species ISSN 2319 – 5746 EISSN 2319 – 5754 Author/ Researcher - Sattanathan. G and S. Venkatlakshmi* Affiliation - department of Zoology, Government College for Women (A), Kumbakonam 612 001, Tamil Nadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Indian system of medicines, especially Ayurved, has been using cow-urine for betterment of physical and mental health of mankind since thousands of years ago. Cows were regarded as wealth and were the backbone of the economy of ancient Indians. Most of th Keyword - Aquaculture, Cow Urine Distillate, Growth and Food utilization, Labeo rohita |
31-May-2021 |
Name - BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS) ISSN (P): 2348-0521, ISSN (E): 2454-4728 Vol. 4, Issue 3, Mar 2016, 121-132 Author/ Researcher - DURGA B & S. VENKATALAKSHMI Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Government College for Women (A), Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Over last decade aquaculture fish farming has been fast developing from traditional extensive system to semi intensive and intensive culture system. Most fish farms are used formulated, pelleted feeds. Identifying the importance of supplementary feeding, Keyword - CUD, Supplementation, Growth, Feed, Food utilization, Survival, Oreochromis mossambicus |
31-May-2021 |
86 | Title - Fatty acid profiles of algae mark the development and composition of harpacticoid copepods Year of publication - 2008 Download(114) | view(176) |
Name - Freshwater Biology (2008) 53, 77–90 Author/ Researcher - MARIA-JOSE´ CARAMUJO*, HENRICUS T. S. BOSCHKER† AND WIM ADMIRAAL Affiliation - *Department of Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands † Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology (NIOO/KNAW), Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Yerseke, The Netherlands |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - 1. The value of algal fatty acids (FA) as diet biomarkers for benthic harpacticoid copepods was investigated. A high proportion of 18:1x9 and 18:2x6 FA was observed in the lipid reserve fraction of copepods fed with cyanobacteria. In contrast, a high prop Keyword - Attheyella trispinosa, cyanobacteria, diatoms, fatty acids, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry |
31-May-2021 |
Name - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN RESEARCH AND REVIEWS Author/ Researcher - *G.Priya., M.Ranjitha and S.Venkatalakshmi Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Govt. Arts College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The study revealed that the effect of Gir fresh cow urine on the growth response and survival rate of Indian major carp, Labeo rohita fingerlings. L. rohita were divided in to twelve groups and using cow urine. There are different concentrations like 100% Keyword - Labeo rohita, growth response, survival rate, Gir, fresh cow urine. |
31-May-2021 |
88 | Title - Application of Cow Urine Distillate for Enhancement of Nutrient Value and Water Quality of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Fingerlings Year of publication - 2016 Download(113) | view(157) |
Name - LS - An International Journal of Life Sciences DOI: 10.5958/2319-1198.2016.00001.4 Author/ Researcher - G. Sattanathan and S. Venkatlakshmi* Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Centre for Animal Studies, Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam 612001, Tamil Nadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Cow urine is known for its medicinal properties and therapeutic values in India. In Indian ancient literature, cow urine is reported to be very effective and in Ayurveda its use is described as well. Recently, there are many reports which revealed the app Keyword - Aquaculture, Cow urine distillate, Cow urine, Go-Ark, Bos indicus, Labeo rohita, Water quality parameters |
31-May-2021 |
89 | Title - Optimization of Concentration of Bos indicus Cow Urine Distillate (CUD) in Oreochromis mossambicus (Peter) for. Year of publication - 2015 Download(86) | view(182) |
Name - The International Quarterly journal Author/ Researcher - B. Durga, Mala. G and Dr. S. Venkatlakshmi Affiliation - department of Zoology, Government College for Women (A), Kumbakonam 612 001, Tamil Nadu, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Cows were regarded as wealth and were the backbone of the economy of ancient Indians. The sacred Indian cow, Bos indicus, is believed to be a “mobile hospital” for the treatment of many diseases. Wars were fought for acquiring cows. Cattle were one of the Keyword - CUD, Bos Indicus, Oreochromis mossambicus, Neutrophil activity, Immunomodulation, Aquaculture. |
31-May-2021 |
90 | Title - Biochemical Responses of the Fish Cirrhinus mrigala Exposed to Urine of Different Cow Breads Year of publication - 2014 Download(103) | view(171) |
Name - Research J. Science and Tech. 6(1): January-March, 2014, 30-33 Author/ Researcher - S.S. Padmapriya and S. Venkatalakshmi Affiliation - h Department of Zoology, Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam –612 001 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra has been recorded for its high prophylactic and therapeutic values since Vedic times in India. Its application in Aquaculture has not been explored so far. Hence the present study has been aimed to assess the effect of different breeds of cow urin Keyword - Gomutra, Vedic times, Cow urine, Cirrhinus mrigala, biochemical parameters. |
31-May-2021 |
91 | Title - Cow Urine Distillate as an Ecosafe and Economical Feed Additive for Enhancing Growth, Food Utilization and Survival Rate in Rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Year of publication - 2017 Download(95) | view(193) |
Name - Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science ISSN 1816-4927 DOI: 10.3923/jfas.2017. Author/ Researcher - Govindharajan Sattanathan and Sournamanikam Venkatalakshmi Affiliation - Centre for Animal Studies, Department of Zoology, Government College for Women (Autonomous), 612001 Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Background and Objective: Freshwater aquaculture has made notable strides in recent years and now contributes to a third of the total fish production in India. Carp form the mainstay of Indian freshwater aquaculture. The present study assessed the efficac Keyword - Cow urine distillate, HF cross breed, Bos indicus, Labeo rohita, food utilization, survival rate |
31-May-2021 |
Name - International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14375-14378, November, 2016 Author/ Researcher - Priya G* and Venkatalakshmi S Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam- 612001 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Fresh water aquaculture in India is mainly based on Indian major carps (Labeo rohita, Catla catla, mrigala) with an annual production of 1.66 million tons. And exotic carps, which together contribute to over 87% of total aquaculture production of 1.93 mil Keyword - Cow urine, Indian major carp, Growth parameters, Labeo rohita, Gir |
31-May-2021 |
Name - International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14375-14378, November, 2016 Author/ Researcher - Priya G* and Venkatalakshmi S Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam- 612001 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Fresh water aquaculture in India is mainly based on Indian major carps (Labeo rohita, Catla catla, mrigala) with an annual production of 1.66 million tons. And exotic carps, which together contribute to over 87% of total aquaculture production of 1.93 mil Keyword - Cow urine, Indian major carp, Growth parameters, Labeo rohita, Gir |
31-May-2021 |
94 | Title - Effect of varying cow urine samples on growth of fish Cirrhinus mrigala fingerlings (Hamilton) Year of publication - 2014 Download(182) | view(191) |
Name - International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2014; 2(2): 26-29 Author/ Researcher - S.S. Padmapriya and S. Venkatalakshmi Affiliation - h Department of Zoology, Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Cow urine has lots of medicinal properties. It has natural disinfectant and antiseptic quantities. Its application in Aquaculture has not been explored so far. Hence the present study has been aimed to assess the effect of different breeds of cow urine on Keyword - Cow urine, Cirrhinus mrigala, Growth parameters, immersion. |
31-May-2021 |
95 | Title - Plant Growth Promotion Using Panchagavya Year of publication - 2018 Download(156) | view(236) |
Name - International Journal of Research and Review Author/ Researcher - Dhasarathan. P, Charumathi S, Nagavasuda. R, K. Cholapandian, A J A Ranjitsingh Affiliation - Department of Biotechnology, Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai- 602025, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In the traditional agro practice, people have used organic nutrients panchagavya to promote plant growth. In the present, panchagavya was prepared using a modified methodology incorporating tulsi and neem oil along with traditional panchagavya constituent Keyword - Panchagavya, Abelmoschus sp, plant growth promoter and germination ability |
29-May-2021 |
96 | Title - Review on Panchagavya Year of publication - 2014 Download(209) | view(180) |
Name - Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol.Sci. 1(8): (2014): 130–154 Author/ Researcher - T.Sivakumar Affiliation - Department of Microbiology, |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The increasing concern for environmental safety and global demand for pesticide residue free food has evoked keen interest in crop production using eco-friendly products which are easily biodegradable and do not leave any harmful toxic residues besides co Keyword - Panchagavya, crop production, organic farming. |
29-May-2021 |
97 | Title - PANCHAGAVYA- AN ECOFRIENDLY INSECTICIDE AND ORGANIC GROWTH PROMOTER OF PLANTS Year of publication - 2014 Download(175) | view(247) |
Name - International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 11, 22-26 Author/ Researcher - 1*B.Shailaja, 2 Ipsita Mishra, 3 Srihima Gampala, 3Vikram Jeet Singh and 4 Swathi.K Affiliation - *Department of Agricultural Entomology, BCKV, Nadia, West Bengal, India 2 Department of Entoology,OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 3 Department of seed science and technology, BCKV, Nadia, West Bengal, India 4 Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, B |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya is an organic formulation, which in Sanskrit means the blend of five products obtained from cow i.e. milk, ghee, curd, dung and urine. The components like cowdung and cowurine enhances the insecticidal activity of pachagavya which can reduce t Keyword - Pachagavya, cow urine, cowdung, organic growth promoter |
29-May-2021 |
98 | Title - Quality Analysis and Characterization of Panchagavya, Jeevumrutha and Sasyamrutha Year of publication - 2019 Download(209) | view(197) |
Name - International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Author/ Researcher - Bishal Chakraborty* and Indrajit Sarkar Affiliation - Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Coochbehar-736165, West Bengal, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - A study on quality analysis and characterization of Panchagavya, Jeevumrutha and Sasyamrutha was carried out in the departments of soil science, plant pathology and biochemistry, UBKV, coochbehar-736165, West Bengal during February, 2019. Motive of this w Keyword - Panchagavya, Jeevumrutha, Sayamrutha and Liquid Organic manure |
29-May-2021 |
99 | Title - Effect of Different Combinations of Panchagavya on Plant Yield Year of publication - 2019 Download(147) | view(199) |
Name - International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2S2, December 2019 Author/ Researcher - C. Sivapragasam, K. Selva Rani, S.Vanitha, A.Kowsiga, G.Lidwin Joan Jeraldine Affiliation - ..................... |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Use of organic fertilizer is being promoted as the sustainable method of agriculture for maximizing yield. In this study the six different combinations of Panchagavya are prepared and laboratory growth study is made using seed. Vigour index is used for qu Keyword - : organic fertilizer, panchagavya, tender coconut water, vigour index, |
29-May-2021 |
100 | Title - Panchgavya and cow products: A trail for the holy grail Year of publication - 2018 Download(152) | view(200) |
Name - Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine Author/ Researcher - Ashwinikumar A. Raut a, * , Ashok D.B. Vaidya b Affiliation - a Clinical Research and Integrative Medicine, MRC-KHS, K. Desai Road, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056, Maharashtra, India b Medical Research Centre, Kasturba Health Society, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400056, Maharashtra, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - For millennia, cow has been central to Indian economy, life and culture. There are innumerable references-Vedic and subsequent to the sacred significance of cow. The benefits of cow have been described at length in relation to agriculture, environment, he Keyword - Panchgavya Cow products Cowpathy Govaidyak |
29-May-2021 |
101 | Title - PANCHAGAVYA AND PANCHAGAVYA GHRITA: A CONCEPTUAL STUDY Year of publication - 2020 Download(194) | view(1232) |
Name - publication 2020 Author/ Researcher - Ashutosh Pandey1 , Madhuri S. Pawar2 Affiliation - Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8600759488 |
Abstract - In present work literature related to five cow products and Panchagavya ghrita [PGG] formulations have been compiled from various sources of literature. Ayurvedic classics quoted preparation method of PGG by using five cow products [Cow ghee, Cow milk, Co Keyword - Panchagavya Ghrita (PGG), Panchagavya (five Cow products) |
29-May-2021 |
102 | Title - Biofertilizer Potential of Traditional and Panchagavya Amended with Seaweed Extract Year of publication - 2010 Download(253) | view(191) |
Name - The Journal of American Science, 2010;6(2):61-67 Author/ Researcher - Sangeetha, V and Thevanathan, R Affiliation - Department of Botany, Presidency College, Chennai-5, Tamil Nadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The potential of utilizing panchagavya as biofertilizer was tested on the pulses Vigna radiata, Vigna mungo, Arachis hypogea, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, Lablab purpureus, Cicer arietinum and the cereal Oryza sativa var. ponni by growing in soil amended with Keyword - Panchagavya, Seaweed based, biofertilizer potential, pulses, cereal |
29-May-2021 |
103 | Title - STUDIES ON ANALYZING THE SHELF LIFE OF PANCHAGAVYA WITH DIFFERENT ALTERNATIVES FOR GHEE Year of publication - 2018 Download(194) | view(195) |
Name - International Journal of Agriculture Sciences Author/ Researcher - M.P. SUGUMARAN* 1 , S. AKILA2 AND E. SOMASUNDARAM3 Affiliation - 1,2Department of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbato re, 641003, Tamil Nadu, India 3Department of Sustainable Organic Agriculture, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The study was conducted to find the shelf life of panchagavya using groundnut oil cake and sesame oil instead of ghee as it is costly. Samples were collected one month after adding the ingredients and six months after the addition of ingredients. Extract Keyword - Rancidity, Fatty acids, Vitamin-E, Shelf life |
29-May-2021 |
104 | Title - STUDIES ON ANALYZING THE SHELF LIFE OF PANCHAGAVYA WITH DIFFERENT ALTERNATIVES FOR GHEE Year of publication - 2018 Download(273) | view(182) |
Name - International Journal of Agriculture Sciences Author/ Researcher - M.P. SUGUMARAN* 1 , S. AKILA2 AND E. SOMASUNDARAM3 Affiliation - 1,2Department of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbato re, 641003, Tamil Nadu, India 3Department of Sustainable Organic Agriculture, Agricultural College & Research Institute, Tamil |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The study was conducted to find the shelf life of panchagavya using groundnut oil cake and sesame oil instead of ghee as it is costly. Samples were collected one month after adding the ingredients and six months after the addition of ingredients. Extract Keyword - Rancidity, Fatty acids, Vitamin-E, Shelf life |
29-May-2021 |
105 | Title - Influence of vermiwash and panchagavya on lablab beans under pot experimental conditions Year of publication - 2017 Download(191) | view(238) |
Name - International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences Author/ Researcher - V.N. Maheswari1 , P.K. Kaleena1,* M.P. Srikumaran1 , G.S. Rekha1 and D. Elumalai1 Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai – 600 005, Tamil Nadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The present study explores the growth promoting effects of vermiwash and panchagavya on Dolichus lablab. Vermiwash was obtained from the vermicomposting unit and panchagavya was prepared using cow products such as milk, curd, urine, ghee and dung. Differe Keyword - Vermiwash, Panchagavya, Foliar sprays, Lablab bean, Pot study |
28-May-2021 |
106 | Title - MAHA PANCHAGAVYA GHRITA IN APASMARA (EPILEPSY) – A KETOSIS PERSPECTIVE Year of publication - 2020 Download(159) | view(219) |
Name - INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Author/ Researcher - Usha K S1 , Gurdip Singh2 Affiliation - 1Professor, Deptartment of Swasthavritta & Yoga, SDM Institute of Ayurveda & Hospital, Bangalore – 560074, Karnataka, India, |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Epileptic seizures are caused due to imbalance in the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Serum electrolytes like sodium, potassium and calcium play a key role in maintaining the epileptic threshold. In the quest of effective treatment in epileps Keyword - Epileptic threshold, Ketosis, Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), Maha Panchagavya Ghrita |
28-May-2021 |
107 | Title - ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PANCHACAVYA AGAINST URINARY TRACK INFECTION Year of publication - 2016 Download(186) | view(187) |
Name - International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research ISSN- 0975-7066 Vol 8, Issue 3, 2016 Author/ Researcher - DEEPIKA M., NASHIMA K., RAJESWARI S. Affiliation - Objective: The present study analyzes the antibacterial activity of the natural product. Panchagavya is a term used in Ayurveda to describe five important substances obtained from cow namely Urine, Dung, Milk, Ghee Curd and the natural product of honey. M |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Objective: The present study analyzes the antibacterial activity of the natural product. Panchagavya is a term used in Ayurveda to describe five important substances obtained from cow namely Urine, Dung, Milk, Ghee Curd and the natural product of honey. M Keyword - Panchakavya, Antibacterial activity, Agar well diffusion agar |
28-May-2021 |
108 | Title - ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PANCHACAVYA AGAINST URINARY TRACK INFECTION Year of publication - 2016 Download(144) | view(190) |
Name - International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research ISSN- 0975-7066 Vol 8, Issue 3, 2016 Author/ Researcher - DEEPIKA M., NASHIMA K., RAJESWARI S. Affiliation - Objective: The present study analyzes the antibacterial activity of the natural product. Panchagavya is a term used in Ayurveda to describe five important substances obtained from cow namely Urine, Dung, Milk, Ghee Curd and the natural product of honey. M |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Objective: The present study analyzes the antibacterial activity of the natural product. Panchagavya is a term used in Ayurveda to describe five important substances obtained from cow namely Urine, Dung, Milk, Ghee Curd and the natural product of honey. M Keyword - Panchakavya, Antibacterial activity, Agar well diffusion agar |
28-May-2021 |
109 | Title - EFFECT OF PANCHAGAVYA ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata (L.) WALP.) Year of publication - 2013 Download(262) | view(189) |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - An experiment was conducted to study the effect of panchagavya on growth and yield of cowpea at Agronomy Instructional Farm, Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar during summer 2011 Keyword - Cowpea, panchagavya, |
28-May-2021 |
110 | Title - Evaluation of Panchgavya as source of nutrient for Cymbidium orchids Year of publication - 2013 Download(146) | view(176) |
Name - African Journal of Agricultural Research Author/ Researcher - S. K. Naik1 , D. Barman2 , R. Devadas2 and T. Ushabharathi3 Affiliation - 1 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Centre, Ranchi, Plandu-834010, Jharkhand, India. 2National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong-737106, Sikkim, India. 3 Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The experiment was undertaken during 2009 to 2012 to study the different concentration of panchgavya on the growth and flowering of Cymbidium ‘Sleeping Nymph’. The media application of 1:30 panchgavya registered highest pseudobulb length and girth and res Keyword - Cymbidium hybrid, panchgavya, growth, spike production |
28-May-2021 |
111 | Title - A Critical Review on Panchagavya – A Boon Plant Growt Year of publication - 2011 Download(204) | view(184) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 2011; 2(6):1611-1614 Author/ Researcher - Tharmaraj. K*1, Ganesh. P2, Suresh Kumar. R2, Anandan. A1 and Kolanjinathan. K2 Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India2 Department of Microbiology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya, a Vedic formulation for increased productivity, disease resistance in plants and potential of utilizing Panchagavya as biofertilizer was tested on various pulses Vigna radiate, Vigna mungo, Arachis hypogea, Cyanopsis tetragonoloba. Lablab Keyword - Panchagavya, Effective Microorganisms (EMO) and Day after sowing (DAS) |
28-May-2021 |
112 | Title - A Critical Review on Panchagavya – A Boon Plant Growt Year of publication - 2011 Download(169) | view(195) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 2011; 2(6):1611-1614 Author/ Researcher - Tharmaraj. K*1, Ganesh. P2, Suresh Kumar. R2, Anandan. A1 and Kolanjinathan. K2 Affiliation - Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India2 Department of Microbiology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya, a Vedic formulation for increased productivity, disease resistance in plants and potential of utilizing Panchagavya as biofertilizer was tested on various pulses Vigna radiate, Vigna mungo, Arachis hypogea, Cyanopsis tetragonoloba. Lablab Keyword - Panchagavya, Effective Microorganisms (EMO) and Day after sowing (DAS) |
28-May-2021 |
113 | Title - Panchagavya: A low cost organic input in organic farming-a review Year of publication - 2018 Download(168) | view(210) |
Name - International Journal of Chemical Studies 2018; 6(6): 575-577 Author/ Researcher - Pramod Kumar, Naushad Khan, Prashant Deo Singh, Anand Singh, Yogesh and Vikas Yadav Affiliation - Naushad Khan Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, C.S.A.U.A & T, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Panchagavya, an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth, development and providing immunity in plant system. Panchagavya consists of nine products viz., cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, Tender coconut Keyword - Panchagavya, cow milk, ghee, curd, cow urine and dung, gur and organic farming |
28-May-2021 |
114 | Title - Effect of Panchagavya, Humic Acid and Micro herbal Fertilizer on the Yield and Post Harvest Soil of Soya Bean (Glycine max L.) Year of publication - 2012 Download(164) | view(170) |
Name - Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 11: 83-86. Author/ Researcher - B. Vijayakumari, R. Hiranmai Yadav, P. Gowri and L.S. Kandari Affiliation - ............................ |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Higher uses of fertilizers reduce the quality of food produced as well as soil fertility. However, combination of inorganic and organic will reduce the environmental hazard due to higher fertilizer use efficiency as well as improvement of the quality of c Keyword - soya bean , organic manure , panchagavya , microherbal herbal fertilizer , yeild |
28-May-2021 |
115 | Title - MANAGEMENT OF GRAHANI ROGA WITH TAKRA AND ASHVAGOLA: A REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(226) | view(182) |
Name - International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Author/ Researcher - Preeti Sharma, Rajnishkumar Gautam Affiliation - Assistant Professor, PG Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Major SD Singh Ayurvedic PG College and Hospital, Farukkhabad, UP |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9906289159 |
Abstract - Diseases emanating from GIT form a considerable part of medical practice in India and abroad. Starting from ancient time to the modern era, Grahani Dosha has remained a fore runner but has also behaved like the fountain head of many GIT ailments. The faul Keyword - Grahani Dosha / Roga, Agni, Takra, Ashvagola |
21-May-2021 |
116 | Title - TAKRA: AN ALONE WAY TO TREAT GRAHANI-A LITERARY REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(170) | view(182) |
Name - INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Author/ Researcher - Dalip Sharma Affiliation - Reader & HOD P.G. Dept. of Rog Nidan, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Ayurvedic College, Paprola-176115, Himachal Pradesh, India |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In the era of sedentary lifestyle, an irregular eating pattern i.e. intake of meals at different intervals of time, avoiding important meals and/or frequently indulging in fat rich fast food or junk meals are very much affecting the human health, among th Keyword - Grahani, Annavaha srotas, Ama Dosha, Takra |
21-May-2021 |
117 | Title - Chemotherapeutic potential of cow urine: A review Year of publication - 2015 Download(168) | view(175) |
Name - Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology Author/ Researcher - Gurpreet Kaur Randhawa1 , Rajiv Sharma2 Affiliation - 1 Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 2 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - In the grim scenario where presently about 70% of pathogenic bacteria are resistant to at least one of the drugs for the treatment, cue is to be taken from traditional/indigenous medicine to tackle it urgently. The Indian traditional knowledge emanates fr Keyword - Antibiotic, antifungal, antineoplastic, bioenhancer, Bos indicus, immune-enhancer |
27-Apr-2021 |
118 | Title - REVIEW ARTICLE BENEFITS OF COW URINE – A REVIEW Year of publication - 2017 Download(160) | view(148) |
Name - International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Author/ Researcher - Sahu Rekha, Lalchand, Gupta Rakshapal and Rout OmPrakash Affiliation - 3Professor & HOD, Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - The Cow urine has been used from ancient times for curing many ailments of human beings. It is important and essential part of Panchgavya Chikitsa. Difffernt Ayurvedic literature have mentioned its importance and uses for treatment of, Kushtha, Kandu, Uda Keyword - Panchgavyachikitsa, Ayurveda, Cow urine. Immunomodulation, Anticancer Property. |
27-Apr-2021 |
119 | Title - cow urine distilate is regarded as promising immunomodulatry supplement for broiler diet- a review Year of publication - 2013 Download(150) | view(173) |
Name - unique journal of ayurvedic and herbal medicines Author/ Researcher - subha ganguly Affiliation - AICRP on ICAR |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - - Keyword - Ayurved Broiler, CUD, Immunomodulator, Therapeutic |
24-Apr-2021 |
120 | Title - Wonder of Gomutra (cow urine): A complete review Year of publication - 2019 Download(221) | view(175) |
Name - International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences 2019; 3(1): 76-81 Author/ Researcher - Dr. Siva Rami Reddy E Affiliation - Faculty of Homoeopathy, Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, Indi |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The Cow urine (CU) has been used from ancient times for curing many ailments of human beings. It is important and essential part of Panchgavya Chikitsa. Different Indian system of medicine literature have mentioned its importance and uses for treatment of Keyword - Cow urine (Gomutra), therapeutic use |
16-Apr-2021 |
121 | Title - Go mutra (Cow urine) and its uses: An overview Year of publication - 2019 Download(217) | view(193) |
Name - Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2019; 7(3): 1218-1222 Author/ Researcher - Meena M, Patel P, Saini S, Gurjar T, Gogoi R and Meena OP Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology, ACVM Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Teaching Associate, Veterinary Anatomy, PGIVER Jaipur, Rajasthan, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra (Cow urine) is an important part of Indian tradition. From the ancient period cow’s urine has been used as a medicine. Cow (Bos indicus) urine/Gomutra has been elaborately explained in Ayurveda and described in “Sushruta Samhita”, “Ashtanga Sangra Keyword - Bioenhancer, cow urine, cow urine distillate, Gomutra, panchgavya |
16-Apr-2021 |
122 | Title - GOMUTRA (COW URINE): A MULTIDIMENSIONAL DRUG REVIEW ARTICLE Year of publication - 2017 Download(151) | view(164) |
Name - Gulhane Harshad et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (5), 2017 Author/ Researcher - Gulhane Harshad 1 , Nakanekar Amit 2*, Mahakal Nilesh 3 , Bhople Sunanda 4 , Salunke Amrut 5 Affiliation - 1Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, MUPs Ayurved College & Hospital, Risod, Dist-Washim, Maharashtra, India 2Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 3Assistant Prof |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Gomutra is important part of Indian tradition. It is not only holy but also has various important medicinal uses. Classical treatises in Ayurved i.e. Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata Samhita has described Ashta mutra (eight types of urine) along with their Keyword - Gomutra, cow urine, Panchagavya, Immunomodulator |
16-Apr-2021 |
123 | Title - Traditional And Modern Scientific Approaches For The Uses Of 'Takra' In Different Diseases: A Review Year of publication - may-june 2018 Download(164) | view(183) |
Name - Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Author/ Researcher - yadevendra yadav and vipin kumar Affiliation - Deptt of Ayurveda and Unani Services Uttarakhand Dehradun (UK) |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Dadhi and Takra are very common food items of Indians and are used as liquid food items from Vedic period. In Ayurveda; their types, qualities, uses, contraindications are mentioned. It is very important ‘Anupana’ of many Ayurvedic formulations. Also, it Keyword - Takra, fermented milk, gut microbiota, probiotics & intestinal disorders. |
12-Apr-2021 |
124 | Title - ABYANTARA TAKRA PRAYOGA IN DIFFERENT AILMENTS – AYURVEDIC VIEW: CONCEPTUAL STUDY Year of publication - 2018 Download(162) | view(475) |
Name - International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research Author/ Researcher - 1M.Mukthamba , 2M .J. Prashasth , 3A Byresh Affiliation - PG Scholar, Dept., of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. 2 MD (AYU) lecturer, Dept.,of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. 3 MD (AYU) Professor, Dept.,of PG studies in Kayachikitsa. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Takra is considered to be Amrutha for human beings. Different kinds of Takra kalpanas are mentioned by Various Acharyas. Takra is very useful in digestive problems and it is considered to be best medicine in diseases of Vatakaphaja origin. Takra is benefi Keyword - Amrutha, Abhyantara Takra Prayoga, Takra, Takra Kalpanas, Vata Kaphaja Vyadhis, Grahani, Udara, Arsha |
09-Apr-2021 |
125 | Title - THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF TAKRA(BUTTERMILK) FOR HUMAN HEALTH Year of publication - 2016 Download(143) | view(215) |
Name - International Journal of AyurvedaandPharma Research Author/ Researcher - Chaudhary Anubha1*, Jaiswal Mohanlal2 Affiliation - M.D. Scholar, 2Asso. Professor, Department of DravyagunaVigyan, National Institute of Ayurved, Jaipur, Rajasthan |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - In Ayurveda it is considered that the basis of both the health and the diseases is Ahara(food). Aharais considered as Prana(basis of life). AcharyaKashyaphad clearly stated that Aharais the best medicine. Takra (buttermilk) is one Keyword - Ahara, Takr, Anupan, Pathya, Amrit |
09-Apr-2021 |
126 | Title - A ROLE OF TAKRA IN THE MANEGEMANT OF ARSHAS Year of publication - 2020 Download(145) | view(300) |
Name - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Author/ Researcher - Dr. Jasmin Gohel, 2Dr. Jaydeep Khant, Affiliation - Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Noble Ayurved College, Baman gam, Junagadh, Gujarat |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 07020299894 |
Abstract - Ayurveda, a science of life, has emphasized on proper diet and lifestyle for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases as well as curing the diseases. In present era Arshas (piles/Haemorrhoids) is a very common ano-rectal disorder cau Keyword - Arshas, takra, Curd, Anupana, functional foods |
09-Apr-2021 |
127 | Title - THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF VACHADI GHRITA (A MEDICATED GHEE) ON CNS AND OTHER AILMENTS - A REVIEW Year of publication - 2016 Download(182) | view(465) |
Name - Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine Author/ Researcher - ASHUTOSH PANDEY Affiliation - ............. |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - Vachadi Ghrita (VG) is a medicated ghee (a clarified butter) ayurvedic formulation, recommended to improve cognition. VG has these ingredients as follows-Goghrita (Cow ghee), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shankhapushpi (Convolvul Keyword - Vachadi Ghrita, Medicated ghee, Goghrita, Nootropic, Antidepressant, Antioxident |
07-Apr-2021 |
128 | Title - Biochemical appraisal of Gomutra (Cow urine) Year of publication - 2019 Download(169) | view(360) |
Name - Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2019; 8(3): 4089-4092 Author/ Researcher - Satyapal Singh Affiliation - Department of Kayachikitsa, S.A.M.C. & H., Chunar, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Country - india Email - Contact Number - 7020299894 |
Abstract - The sacred animal cow accorded a special status in Indian tradition. Its various products including urine is being used for various purposes since time immemorial. Cow urine is recognized to contain almost all substances (elements, enzymes, hormones, etc. Keyword - Gomutra, Gomata, cow urine, Ayurveda, CUD, Yogavahi, bio-enhancer |
06-Apr-2021 |
Name - UNIQUE JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Author/ Researcher - Gaur Rajeev Ranjan1*, Yadav SS2 , Goswami P.K3 Affiliation - resident |
Country - INDIA Email - Contact Number - 7839000809 |
Abstract - Ayuveda deals with holistic approach for well-being of mankind. It advocates that according to origin, different Jangama, Audbhid & Parthiva dravyas (substances) are to be utilized for maintenance of health and getting cure when diseased. During the clas Keyword - Ayurveda, Ashta mutra, Go mutra, Mahisha mutra, Aja mutra, Avi mutra, Ashwa mutra, Khara mutra, Ushtra mutra, Hasti mutra, Discussion, Therapeutic use |
05-Apr-2021 |
130 | Title - Importance of Baylis-Hillman Adducts in Modern Drug Discovery Year of publication - 2018 Download(151) | view(215) |
Name - Tetrahedron Letters Author/ Researcher - TNarendarReddy and V.Jayathirtha Rao Affiliation - CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Uppal Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad-500007 |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 9866063248 |
Abstract - The Baylis-Hillman (BH) reaction plays a fascinating role in the field of synthetic and medicinal chemistry. BH adducts and their derivatives have been used as crucial synthons for the synthesis of various pharmaceutically useful natural products and comp Keyword - BH Adducts to Medicine |
27-Feb-2021 |
Name - UJAHM 2013, 01 (01): Page 3-4 Author/ Researcher - Subha Ganguly Affiliation - Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5, Budherhat Road, P.O. Panchasayar, Kolkata - 700 094, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 09324326262 |
Abstract - Cow urine therapy and all traditional practices from Indian systems of medicine have a strong scientific base. Traditional systems in medicines, whether from Ayurveda or Siddha or the use of cow urine distillate as immunomodulator are based on classical t Keyword - Ayurveda, Broiler, CUD, Immunomodulator, Therapeutic |
28-Jan-2021 |
132 | Title - A review on Bacopa monniera: Current research and future prospects Year of publication - 2010 Download(119) | view(863) |
Name - International Journal of Green Pharmacy Author/ Researcher - Kashmira J. Gohil1, Jagruti A. Patel Affiliation - Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 1Maliba Pharmacy College, Bardoli, Surat, Gujarat, India |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - In recent times, the use of herbal products has increased tremendously in the western world as well as in developed countries. Lately, one of the outstandingly important medicinal plants, widely used therapeutically in the orient and becoming increasingly Keyword - Bacopa monniera, neurotonics, clinical studies, herb-drug interactions, preclinical studies |
25-Jan-2021 |
133 | Title - Panchgavya: Immune-enhancing and Therapeutic Perspectives Year of publication - 2014 Download(128) | view(1006) |
Name - A product of Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Author/ Researcher - K Dhama1*, SK Khurana2, K Karthik3, R Tiwari4, YPS Malik5 and RS Chauhan6 Affiliation - 1Principal Scientist, Division of Pathology, 3PhD Scholar, Division of Bacteriology and Mycology, 5Principal Scientist, Division of Standardisation, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly-243122, Uttar Pradesh 2Principal Scientists |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - According to ancient Indian scriptures, all the creatures are made by five elements viz., the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, together known as Panchabhootas, and a disbalance among these results in disease. Cow-derived products have been described in Keyword - Panchgavya therapy, Cowpathy, Immunity, Health, Animals, Human |
25-Jan-2021 |
134 | Title - DIVERSIFIED USES OF COW URINE Year of publication - 2014 Download(144) | view(141) |
Name - International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Author/ Researcher - IPSITA MOHANTY1*, MANAS RANJAN SENAPATI2, DEEPIKA JENA2 AND SANTWANA PALAI1 Affiliation - Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar‐751003, Odisha. Email: |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - Cow is equated to mother in the Indian tradition and her urine panacea of all diseases. Cow urine is a divine medicine and is used for treatment of diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS Keyword - Cow urine, panchagawya, traditional medicine, Cow Urine Therapy. |
25-Jan-2021 |
135 | Title - Panchgavya therapy (Cowpathy) in safeguarding health of animals and humans – A review Year of publication - 2012 Download(164) | view(142) |
Name - RESEARCH OPINIONS IN ANIMAL & VETERINARY SCIENCES Author/ Researcher - Kuldeep Dhama1*, Sandip Chakraborty2 and Ruchi Tiwari3 Affiliation - Avian Diseases Section, Division of Pathology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly (U.P.) – 243122; 2 Animal Resources Development Department, Pt. Nehru Complex, Agartala, Pin – 799006 3 Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Imm |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - All the living creatures on the earth are made up of the five elements of nature, i.e. the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space which are all together called as Panchabhootas and their health is affected by Tridoshas, viz., Vadha (air), Pitha (fire) and Ka Keyword - Panchgavya; cowpathy; health and diseases; animals; humans |
25-Jan-2021 |
136 | Title - THERAPEUTIC POTENTIALS OF COW DERIVED PRODUCTS- A REVIEW Year of publication - 2016 Download(143) | view(116) |
Name - IJPSR Author/ Researcher - R. Kaushik * , J. Jain and P. Rai Affiliation - Department of Pharmacy, Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, Plot No. 3, Knowledge Park-1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - amdhenu or Indian cow (Bos indicus) is worshipped as sacred animal by Hindus. The reason for worshipping is the tremendous therapeutic values of cow derived products like cow milk, cow milk curd, cow butter (ghee), cow urine, cow dung and a combination Keyword - Kamdhenu or Indian cow (Bos indicus) is worshipped as sacred animal by Hindus. |
25-Jan-2021 |
137 | Title - pharmaceutical aspects of Panchagavya Medicine Year of publication - 2013 Download(143) | view(140) |
Name - RJPT Author/ Researcher - Dr. Sanjay Wate Affiliation - Sharad Pawar College of Pharmacy |
Country - India Email - Contact Number - 8552865111 |
Abstract - Utility of Cow Urine Keyword - Cow Urine Review |
23-Jan-2021 |