Clinical Study List

Sr. No.
Title of project Duration of study Name of PI/CO-I Affiliation Email Contact Number Place of work Synopsis/ protocol Date
1 Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Gomaya Mashi Udvartana with Petiswedana And Rodhradi Gana Udvartana with Petiswedana In The Management of Sthoulya (Obesity) Mid Dr Punam sawarkar pg student 7020299894 MGACH Download(118)  |  view(134) 23-Aug-2022
2 Comparative efficacy of Dadimadi Ghrita and Rajanyadi Ghrita in Pandu with special reference to Iron Deficiency Anemia Mid Trupti Thakre Assistant professor 7020299894 MGACH Download(114)  |  view(146) 22-Aug-2022